Sunday, September 15, 2024

Friday, September 15, 1944. Landing at Peleliu.


US forces invaded Peleliu.  Initial troops were from the 1st Marine Division, which would later be joined by the Army's 81st Infantry Division for the hard fought battle.  The landing on the island was in order to seize its airfields for the invasion of the Philippines.

The landings were bizarrely named Operation Stalemate II.

 Corporal William R. Scott, and Prince Doberman. Peleliu. 15 September, 1944.

American and Australian forces landed at Morotai near New Guinea.  The Battle of Morotai would go on until the end of the war.

The Battle of Gemmano in Italy ended in an Allied victory.

The Lapland War between Germany and Finland commenced when the Kriegsmarine attempted to take the island of Suursaari in order to secure the shipping routes in the Gulf of Finland.  Up until that time the German withdrawal from Finland had been going peacefully, although it was deteriorating as the Germans destroyed things on their way out.  The attempted German landing was resisted and the Finns withdrew their shipping from German evacuation efforts, although evacuation from Lapland to Norway, guaranteed by a secret agreement between the countries, continued peacefully at first.

The failed landings at Suursaari were an attempt to secure the island out of a fear the Soviets would.

Pvt. Stanley J. Zielonka fires an automatic rifle at a hidden sniper in Harze, Belgium. 15 September, 1944. 9th Infantry Division.  Like almost all BAR gunners, Pvt. Zielonka has removed the bipod and flash hinder from his BAR.  The unnamed soldier with a Thompson submachinegun has a short belt of machinegun ammunition around his neck.  The other two soldiers are armed with M1 carbines.  The one in front has a combat knife strapped to his lower leg.

The French Provisional Government issued arrest warrants for Philippe Pétain and his cabinet.

The Great Atlantic Hurricane made landfall on Long Island and Rhode Island.

Last edition:

Thursday, September 14, 1944. Dragoon concludes. More SOE agents executed. The toll of the 1944 Great Atlantic Hurricane increases.

Monday, September 15, 1874. Grant addresses the situation in Louisiana. Treaty No. 4.


By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Whereas it has been satisfactorily represented to me that turbulent and disorderly persons have combined together with force and arms to overthrow the State government of Louisiana and to resist the laws and constituted authorities of said State: and

Whereas it is provided in the Constitution of the United States that the United States shall protect every State in this Union, on application of the legislature, or of the executive when the legislature can not be convened, against domestic violence; and

Whereas it is provided in the laws of the United States that in all cases of insurrection in any State or of obstruction to the laws thereof it shall be lawful for the President of the United States, on application of the legislature of such State, or of the executive when the legislature can not be convened, to call forth the militia of any other State or States, or to employ such part of the land and naval forces as shall be judged necessary, for the purpose of suppressing such insurrection or causing the laws to be duly executed; and

Whereas the legislature of said State is not now in session and can not be convened in time to meet the present emergency, and the executive of said State, under section 4 of Article IV of the Constitution of the United States and the laws passed in pursuance thereof, has therefore made application to me for such part of the military force of the United States as may be necessary and adequate to protect said State and the citizens thereof against domestic violence and to enforce the due execution of the laws; and

Whereas it is required that whenever it may be necessary, in the judgment of the President, to use the military force for the purpose aforesaid, he shall forthwith, by proclamation, command such insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective homes within a limited time.

Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States, do hereby make proclamation and command said turbulent and disorderly persons to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within five days from this date, and hereafter to submit themselves to the laws and constituted authorities of said State; and I invoke the aid and cooperation of all good citizens thereof to uphold law and preserve the public peace.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this 15th day of September, A.D. 1874, and of the Independence of the United States the ninety-ninth.


By the President:

HAMILTON FISH, Secretary of State.

Treaty No. 4 was signed between the Cree and Saulteaux and the Crown in Canada.

Last edition:

Sunday, September 14, 1874. Battle of Liberty Place.

The Best Posts of the Week of September 8, 2024.

The best posts of the week of September 8, 2024.

Carpetbagging Carpetbaggers criticize carpetbagging.

Something for Wyoming populists to consider.

Last edition:

The Best Posts of the Week of September 1, 2024.

The City of God.


964: The City of God

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Thursday, September 14, 1944. Dragoon concludes. More SOE agents executed. The toll of the 1944 Great Atlantic Hurricane increases.

Troops of the 3rd Bn., 7th Inf. Regt., 3rd Div., move through a muddy street in Montjustin-et-Velotte, France. 14 September, 1944. 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division.

Operation Dragoon concluded.

The Red Army commenced the Baltic Offensive.

The Red Army and Romanian Army fought the Hungarian Army at Păuliș.

British and Canadian troops took Coriano, Italy.

Captured Canadian Army officers assigned to the  John Kenneth Macalister, 30, Frank Pickersgill, 29, and Roméo Sabourin, 21, were executed at Buchenwald.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded the third highest water level of Woods Hole, MA to date at 1.488 meters, no doubt due to the ongoing 1944 Great Atlantic Hurricane.

The USCGC Bedlo and USCGC Jackson went down in the hurricane.

Last edition:

Wednesday, September 13, 1944. The Execution of the SOE Agents.

Sunday, September 14, 1924. Most Valuable Player.


Premiered on this day in 1924.  It had been filmed on location.  Anna Mae Wong, the famous Chinese American actress, was cast as an Inuit.

It was a bad day for police officers:

Deputy Constable J. Edward Brown:

Police Officer Francis X. "Buck" Roy

Patrol Inspector James F. Mankin

Walter "Big Train" Johnson was chosen Major League Baseball's Most Valuable Player

Last edition:

Saturday, September 13, 1924. Pershing retires.

Tuesday, September 15, 1914. Wilson: Vámonos. Beyers: Ek het opgehou.

President Wilson ordered American forces out of Veracruz.

The pro German Boer Maritz rebellion started in South Africa when Commandant General of the Union Defence Force Christian Frederic Beyers resigned from his commission in protest of the South African government's decision to provide military support to the British Empire.

Beyers, along with General Koos de la Rey then traveled to the armory at Potchefstroom to meet with commanding officer Major Jan Kemp. De la Rey was killed by police fire on the way.

Allied forces in France commenced digging trenches, the first ones dug in the Great War.

Gertie, the Wonderfully Trained Dinosaur, premiered.

Unlike the advertisements, it was in black and white.

Last edition:  

Sunday, September 13, 1914. Improved Allied Positions In The West.

Sunday, September 14, 1874. Battle of Liberty Place.

An attempted racist coup took place in New Orleans by the Crescent City White League .  5,000 members of the white Confederate veterans militia fought the racially integrated New Orleans Metropolitan Police and state militia in what became known as the Battle of Liberty Place.

After three days of fighting pending intervention by Federal troops caused the white rats to withdraw.

Being in the U.S. Army during these days must have been really something else.  Reconstruction duty in the South, Indian Wars in the West.

Last edition:

Saturday, September 12, 1874. Battle of Buffalo Wallow

Sunday, September 14, 1524. The Order of Clerics Regular, Theatine.

Saint Cajetan, Giampietro Caraffa, later Pope Paul IV, Bonifacio De Colle and Paolo Consiglieri founded the Order of Clerics Regular, Theatine.

Last edition:

Tuesday, March 25, 1524. Exploration of the Carolina Coast.

The 2024 Election, Part XXV. The GOP yells "get off my lawn" edition.


The Harris/Trump debate took place last night.  I missed the first 45 or so minutes.

I don't know what happened in that time frame, but in the part I saw, watching Donald Trump was like watching a racoon on crack.

Even Fox News declared Harris the "clear" winner, while whining about ABC moderators fact checking "everything" Trump said. Given that Trump is a massive liar, the fact that they did fact check was a public service.

One newscaster, post debate, stated that it was like watching "an old man yelling at clouds", which apparently is a reference to an episode of the Simpsons.  Apparently Simpson meme's went wild after Trump repeated the J. D. Vance bizarre canard about immigrants stealing pets for food (completely untrue).  Trump specifically stated:

In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating – they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.

The claim was immediately debunked by moderator David Muir, but people were quick to pick up on it.


And even as the newscaster made the yelling at clouds comment (and also mocked "get off my law") the memes were flying.

A rational party, which the GOP no longer is, would sideline this candidate.  The problem now is, however, that as J. D. Vance went out on a limb and admitted he would have acted illegally in regard to the bogus election claims, he's unfit for office and there's nobody to go to.

Whether it really matters or not is another matter, but post debate Taylor Swift endorsed Harris.

Wyoming's Congressional delegation declared Trump the winner of the debate, which was predictable.  Seriously, however,. if even Fox News states that Harris was clearly the winner . . . 

September 12, 2024

Trump found Taylor Swift coming out against him, citing herself as a "childless cat lady", two days ago.  Now Linda Ronstadt has:

Stevie Nicks (whose music I can't stand) has also done so, citing herself as a "childless dog lady".

J. D. Vance has proven to be the gift that just keeps giving to the Harris campaign, given the numerous and provocative statements he's made.  He also has been due to philosophical stances he's taken, which is another topic.  At any rate, trends in regard to Trump aren't favorable to him, even if he should be successful in the election.

September 13, 2024

Trump on the leader of the Taliban in a press conference this week: 

He called me 'Your Excellency.' I wonder if he calls that to Biden. I doubt it.

There's something really bizarre about Trump.  Being called "your excellency" apparently really matters to him, so much that he thinks being called that by the Taliban is nifty.

That's weird.

Something to consider on his odd behavior:

Trump's speech and cognitive concerns.

In psychiatry, the tendency to conspicuously and rigidly repeat a thought beyond the point of relevance, called “perseverance,” is known to be correlated with a variety of clinical disorders, including those involving a loss of cognitive reserve. People tend to stick to familiar topics over and over when they experience an impairment in cognitive functioning—for instance, in short-term memory. Short-term memory is essentially your mental sketch pad: how many different thoughts you can juggle in your mind, keep track of, and use at the same time. Given the complexity of being president, short-term memory is a vital skill.

If a patient presented to me with the verbal incoherence, tangential thinking, and repetitive speech that Trump now regularly demonstrates, I would almost certainly refer them for a rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation to rule out a cognitive illness. A condition such as vascular dementia or Alzheimer’s disease would not be out of the ordinary for a 78-year-old. Only careful medical examination can establish whether someone indeed has a diagnosable illness—simply observing Trump, or anyone else, from afar is not enough. For those who do have such diseases or conditions, several treatments and services exist to help them and their loved ones cope with their decline. But that does not mean any of them would be qualified to serve as commander in chief.

 Richard A. Friedman, a psychiatrist, in The Atlantic.

September 14, 2024

Both are against life, be it the one who kicks out migrants or the one who (supports) killing babies Both are against life.

Pope Francis on Harris and Trump. 

The Pope counselled to "choose the lesser evil".  If you live in a state, however, that's going overwhelmingly for one candidate or another, you don't actually have to, and can vote for a third party like The American Solidarity Party.

Laura Loomer, about whom I know nothing, but who is apparently an extreme right wing personality, has been traveling around with Trump.  He's now criticizing her but she's been seen a lot with her including some photos in which they are uncomfortably close.  Trump has a knack for appearing with embarrassing people.

In a campaign speech over the last couple of days Trump promised the largest mass deportation in history, starting in Springfield Ohio and Colorado.

Last edition

The 2024 Election, Part XXVI. Touching Down

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Agrarian's Lament: Blog Mirror: “Kings Over the Necessaries of Life”: Monopolization and the Elimination of Competition in America’s Agriculture System

The Agrarian's Lament: Blog Mirror: “Kings Over the Necessaries of Life”...:   “

Wednesday, September 13, 1944. The Execution of the SOE Agents.

The first meeting of American troops of General Patton's Third U.S. Army forces with French troops of General Patch's Seventh U.S. Army took place recently when their long reconnaissance arms met at Autun, France. Here Adjutant Emile Lancery, Bouhy, France, left, whose native group landed near Toulon, is shown shaking hands with Sgt. Louis Basil, Follansbee, W.Va., in the first scout vehicle of the Combat Command. 13 September, 1944. Combat Command B, 6th Armored Division.

Greek, Canadian and New Zealand forces attacked the Germans at Rimini, Italy.

The Red Army took the Warsaw suburb of Praga.  That evening, the Soviet air force began dropping supplies to the Home Army in Warsaw.  The action was undertaken due to US and UK pressure.

The Greek People's Liberation Army and the collaborationist Security Battalions fought at Melgalas.

The Navy begana pre invasion bombardment of Peleliu and Angaur.

SOE agents Yolande Beekman, 32, Madeleine Damerment, 26, and Noor Inayat Khan, 30, were executed at Dachau.

Yolande Beekman.

Madeleine Damerment

Noor Inayat Khan.

The USS Warrington sunk in the 1944 Great Atlantic Hurricane.

Last edition:

Saturday, September 13, 1924. Pershing retires.

Gen. John J. Pershing, having obtained 64 years of age, retired from active duty in the U.S. Army.  64 was the upper age then allowed for Army service.

Pershing would continue to be influential in military circles during World War Two.

Major General John L. Hines became Chief of Staff of the Army.

The French allowed those deported from the Ruhr to return.

September 13, 1924. World flyers and their girlfriends.

Last edition:

Friday, September 12, 1924. Second Assyrian Uprising and National Defense Day.

Sunday, September 13, 1914. Improved Allied Positions In The West.

British forces crossed the Aisne at night.

The French retook the villages Pont-à-Mousson and Lunéville bringing the Battle of the Frontiers  to an end.  Some of the front in the  northeast would thereafter remain stable until 1918.

Stallupönen (now Nesterov) fell to the Germans in East Prussia.

Belgian troops returned to Antwerp.

Irish nationalist Roger Casement, who at one time had been a British diplomat met with German diplomat Franz von Papen in Washington D.C. to seek Germany's support for Irish independence.

The survivors of the Karluk arrived in Nome.

Last edition:

Saturday, September 12, 1914. French and British victory at the Marne.