Thursday, February 2, 2023

Lex Anteinternet: Pegging out on the stress meter.

We published this earlier in the week.
Lex Anteinternet: Pegging out on the stress meter.: The Washington Post has determined that law is the most stressful profession, based on data they analyzed from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Stat...

A couple of added thoughts.  

One reason for the stress is the can't take a break nature of the practice. 

I woke up today not feeling great.  In a lot of lines of work, including professional ones, I'd probably stay home.  I'm not deathly ill by any means, and maybe not even sick.  Knowing myself, that means I'd likely go in.

But I have to. Deadlines and the like leave me no other choice.

Another one is the constant realization that so much of your work depends on personal relationships  One of my partners used to say that as along as a person did their best and did a good job, that would speak for itself.  It sort of does, but not completely.  Relationships mean a lot, and if you aren't a networking kind of person, or if a company has a personal contact or retire or move on, it's stress inducing.

Just minor notes. There are a lot of articles on these general topics, but I don't see these mentioned.

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