Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Sunday, February 14, 1943. The Battle of Kasserine Pass.

The Afrika Korps launched a surprise assault on U.S. forces at Kasserine Pass, ultimately causing US forces to withdraw 50 miles and causing massive American material loss.

US troops were green and poorly led and poorly supported by air cover.  Rommel's German and Italian forces were experienced and well led, and well supported by air cover.   It was the first major U.S. engagement against the Afrika Korps and an embarrassing failure of American arms. It would also lead to immediate shakeups in the American command.

Part of an overall Afrika Korps effort, the Axis forces profited from the American defeat in real terms.  It interestingly was part of an overall German pattern of commencing offensives on Sundays.

The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross was founded by Spanish Catholic Priest St. Josemaria Escriva.  It would become an integral part of Opus Dei, which he also founded.  Opus Dei has been an influential Catholic organization which seeks to sanctify its members through their secular vocations.

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