Sunday, January 8, 2023

Monday, January 8, 1973. Kissinger gets yelled at.

Lê Đức Thọ confronted Henry Kissinger in anger about the Christmas bombings, yelling at Kissinger for more than an hour.  Somewhat ironically for a country that was heir to the Viet Minh effort against the French, particularly for a former prisoner of the French, he did so in French.

Lê Đức Thọ

The Brazilian government kidnapped six left wing opponents of the military regime and murdered them.  While it in no way excuses what occurred, at least one of those murdered was a left wing extremist with a long history in left wing movements in South America.

Mexican television networks Telesistema Mexicano and Televisión Independiente de México, merged to create a Televisa.

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