Sunday, January 22, 2023

Monday, January 22, 1973. The Supreme Court creates a decades long problem.

The United States Supreme Court, in an opinion that was obviously legally infirm and unsupportable, and which assumed a certain sort of status in the status of medical knowledge, decided Roe v. Wade 7 to 2.

The decision, which had little defensible basis in the law, or science, guaranteed that the topic of abortion would be divisive and bitter and encouraged the American political left's drift into rule by the courts, rather than legislative rule.  This latter effect has caused untold damage to American politics.

The decision which opened up abortion during the first three months of pregnancy stands with the Dred Scott decision as one of the absolute worst and disastrous U.S. Supreme Court decisions of all time.

Lyndon Johnson died from a massive stroke at his home in Stonewall, Texas.

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