Monday, January 2, 2023

January 2, 2023. Elected Officials Assume Office.

How exciting!

Pursuant to Wyoming Constitution Art 6, Sec 17; W.S. 22-2-107, Chuck Gray gets his first non family real job!  And his recently minted attorney assistant gets relieved from a career in the law, probably, in order to be launched into his aunts newfound career, thereby besting her by avoiding decades of actual hard legal practice, probably.

Mr. Allred goes back to probably being unelected, but now safely packing heat, in his home county, becoming a footnote in the state's history.

Megan Degenfelder takes office as well, after having been a campaign in which she carefully managed to avoid being drug into the drama in School Board meetings this year. She too has hired a lawyer to serve in her administration.

Is the AG's office taking the year off?

Speaking of days off, I thought this was one for the state, so perhaps these things are pushed to tomorrow?

And in just eight days, the 2023 Legislature commences.

Oh boy!

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