Sunday, January 1, 2023

January 1, 1923 Transportation Mergers.

The Rosewood Massacre commenced in Rosewood, Florida.  A white woman accused a black man of assaulting her.  When it was learned that a black convict had escaped from a prison work gang, white men from the town of Sumner invaded Rosewood and conducted a house to house search.  Ultimately, houses would be set on fire and five men, four black and one white, were killed.

Twenty-four major British railways were consolidated into four regional ones under the Railways Act of 1921.  The surviving "Big Four" were Great Western Railway (GWR); London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS); London and North Eastern Railway (LNER); and Southern Railway (SR).

Air Union became the largest airline in France via a merger of  Compagnie des Messageries Aériennes and Compagnie des Grands Express Aériens.

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