Thursday, December 8, 2022

Tuesday, December 8, 1942. Kalibapi formed, Bizerte taken.

The collaborationist Kalibapi party was formed in the Philippines, where it was organized to be the sole, Japanese friendly, political party.  While it did serve in that role, its nationalistic policies led it to refuse to declare war on the US and UK, causing the Japanese to form a second collaborationist party in 1944.

The Germans took Bizerte.

Bizerte is the northernmost city in Africa.  France, valuing its deep water port, retained the city after Tunisia secured independence, leading to a brief undeclared war between the countries in 1961.  In October 1963, the French turned the city over to Tunisia, following a great deal of international pressure to do so.

The Mexican Claims Act of 1942 settled American claims, some dating back sixty years, against Mexico for property losses.

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