Sunday, March 6, 2022

Monday, March 6, 1922. The dawn of the cartoon magazine.

Maj. Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, eccentric cavalryman, at that time, and founder of D C Comics was photographed.

Wheeler-Nicholson came from an unusual family, and he was an unusual character.  He achieved success very early as a cavalryman in the U.S. Army, and then went on to command infantry in the US military mission to Siberia during World War One.  He became an author in this time period but he seems to have struck people the wrong way and ended up in disputes inside the Army, one of which lead to his court marshal during this time frame. Adding to his problems, he was shot by an Army sentry shortly after this in an incident in which the sentry through he was trying to enter another officer's home, but which his family maintained was an Army sanctioned assassination attempt (which it surely was not).

In 1923 he'd leave the Army and become a pulp fiction writer.  Ultimately, he founded a franchise which essentially created the modern cartoon magazine.  Nonetheless, he never really profited from his efforts and lived in financial straights the rest of his life.

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