Thursday, March 31, 2022

Friday, March 31, 1922. Radio, Irish Treaties, Visiting the Department of the Navy.

H.G. Corcoran of Wash., D.C., who had connected his bed springs to his radio so that they could serve as an antenna, March 31, 1922

On this day in 1922 the first licensed radio station in Louisiana, WWL, went on the air.  It's still on the air, with a news, talk and sports format.

Secretary of the Navy Denby with Marines, and a giant baseball (softball?) like ball that apparently was mounted to a stand.

Secretary of the Navy Denby was visiting some of his Marines.
Chart at the Department of the Navy.

A photographer visited the Department of the Navy.

The Anglo-Irish Treaty passed the British Parliament and immediately received Royal Assent, making it the law.

The treaty, contrary to the way it is sometimes understood, did not reserve Ulster for the United Kingdom, but gave the Parliament of Northern Ireland one month to decide if it would join the Irish Free State. It did not.

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