Monday, February 8, 2021

February 8, 1921. Ford Grousers, Future Pinups, Former Intellectual Lights

 Secretary of War Newton Baker tested a fully tracked Ford coup.

The British sponsored Chamber of Princes, a deliberative body of Indian nobility, met for the first time.

Lana Turner, the legendary actress, was born in Idaho.  Prince Peter Kropotkin, sponsor of crackpot economic anarcho communist concepts, died disappointed in the Soviet Union, which he'd returned to once it went Communist, finding out that it was not what he was anticipating, mostly because what hew as anticipating was hopelessly naïve and stupid.

Peter Kropotkin, Russian prince and economic dipshit.

The Prince had spent years in exile only to return to find that decades of communist concepts lead to misery, repression and death.  Probably like most latter day apologies for the zillions of failed communist and socialist theories, he reconciled that it had never been tried, even if it had been.

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