Friday, January 11, 2019

Blog Mirror: Why 2018 Was the Best Year in Human History!



An op ed from the New York Times.  And one worth reading:

Why 2018 Was the Best Year in Human History!

People really like to imagine that they live in the worst of all possible times. But they don't.  Things have been getting better and better for average people almost every year since year one.  Some really worthwhile points.

None of which are going to convince most people.  Even if you could transport people back in time to any era fifty or more years ago and find them stunned, for the most part, human nature being what it is, people are still going to believe things are really bad now, and they were really great then, no matter when the then was.

Heck, people are even romantic now about World War Two. . . which wasn't fun by anybody's rational measure.

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