Thursday, January 17, 2019

Governor Gordon writes the legislature with his economic requests.

Some interesting items here, and our first look at how Governor Gordon intends to prioritize things.  We should take a look at these, which come in the form of supplemental budget requests.

The first proposal is for a fairly radical technological project on "clean coal".  Gordon proposes to have the state fund a plant in Laramie with 75% carbon recapture.

Whether that's possible might be an open question, but if the state is going to keep talking about it, it should put it to the test. Gordon proposes to do just that.

If you read the Tribune, you'll be left with the idea today that Governor Gordon is focusing only on this topic. But that's not correct.  He's asking for supplemental appropriations in a number of interesting areas.

One of those has to do with wildlife, specifically the Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust Fund.  That's good to see.

He also hasn't forgotten agriculture, and has one on combating invasive weeds and another on predator control.

And then finally, he's written the Legislature on funding for the Office of State Lands and Investments.

So far, at least in terms of funding requests, I'm fairly impressed.  Gordon was a poor speaker in his campaign and he hedged a bit on his positions, which hurt him early on. But so far, he's coming out as we might expect and have hoped for, and as his own man.

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