Thursday, January 3, 2019

Ah geez, why does anyone read any health post anymore

New headlines:

Alcohol and coffee can help you live past 90, study says

Researchers found that those who drink moderate amounts of beer or wine, along with two cups of coffee, increase their chances to live a long life.
The actual study, however, seems to say this:

  • People who drank moderate amounts of alcohol or coffee lived longer than those who abstained.
Theres' a difference between drinking alcohol and coffee, and drinking alcohol or coffee.

The same study also found this:

  • People who were overweight in their 70s lived longer than normal or underweight people did.
Well that's good news, I guess.

But what about this:

  • Over 40% of people aged 90 and older suffer from dementia while almost 80% are disabled. Both are more common in women than men.
So the drinking and coffee doesn't help keep you from being disabled.


  • People aged 90 and older with an APOE2 gene are less likely to have clinical Alzheimer’s dementia, but are much more likely to have Alzheimer’s neuropathology in their brains.
So I guess if you drink all that coffee and alcohol you are risking Alzheimer's, or not, or maybe more likely to have it's neruopathy but not dementia?

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