Tuesday, October 9, 2018


The Catholic Church teaches that destroying a person's reputation is an offense against the Fifth Commandment. Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Stephen Colbert is a Catholic, and openly so.  Or at least he was open about it.  Like most "comedy" figures he uses writers, rather than rely solely upon his own material, one of the reasons that I've always had next to no respect for most regular television comedians.  Cobert has also become unabashedly liberal since the Trump election.

Now, before I go on, I frankly am at the point where I don't see how a person of purported faith can be unabashedly liberal or conservative. . . not liberal or conservative and thinking.  A thinking person may fall into one camp or another, generally, but if you never leave the camp, you aren't thinking.  For religious liberals the problem is or should be, that if you don't leave the camp you have to now accept the left's hostility to life, or at least infant life, and elder life, which is a difficult place to be at best. There are, to be fair, problematic positions in the conservative camp as well

Anyhow, one of the people Cobert employs or uses is Ariel Dumas.  Over the past weekend, Dumas tweeted:
Whatever happens, I am just glad we ruined Kavanaugh's life.
That points out to a problem I noted here earlier.  There are now some liberals who view any action, even ruining a person's life, as warranted.*  To be fair, there were those in the opposite camp who were prepared to advance any exaggeration about the last President and to accept simply absurd hypothesis as well.  Anyhow, I don't know if that's what Dumas meant, but whatever she meant, and whatever happens, a person holding a sentiment like that, about anyone, deserves not to work in a public medium again.

Stephen Cobert. . . you employ her.  You weren't very funny to start with, but how are you prepared to act.  Do you hold the courage of your stated convictions? 

And is this where we are?  If it is, we might as well fold it in.  A nation where that sort of view his acceptable doesn't deserve any respect at all.


Ms. Dumas issued an apology for what she said, indicting it was satire:

The last couple of weeks have been hard for the country and for me personally. The complexity of frustration, anger and sadness can’t be accurately conveyed on twitter, and I regret my tone-deaf attempt at sarcasm in the wake of it.

I'll accept that as being the case.  I'm sure that, given the quality of comedy writing for quite some time, it likely was satire. 

A visit to her Twitter account, however, does show it to wallow in really shallow waters of left wing angst, which are just about as shallow as right wing angst. And she draws some commentors who are vile.

She's apologized, but should go, along with a host of television pathetics we've been forced to endure recently, such as Rosanne Barr and Samantha Bee.  Cobert can go too.


*I'm not including Dr. Ford or Ms. Ramirez in that group.  I really don't know the truth of what they stated nor does anyone else.  Which is the point.  Everyone could be telling the truth, some people could be lying, some people might just be mistaken.  We don't know.  You don't "ruin" lives based on suppositions you are uncertain as to, and nobody can possibly be honestly certain here if they are approaching this in an unbiased fashion.

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