Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Peruvian Military Coup of October 3, 1968

On this day in 1968 the Army, lead by Gen. Juan Velasco Alvarado, overthrew the civilian government of President Belaunde.  The coup was accomplished without bloodshed and the deposed president was flown into exile in Argentina.

The coup was inspired by a scandal in the national oil industry which lead to fears that the civilian government would fall to a Communist revolution.  Resistance to it was very brief, after which the Army enacted a left wing government that itself acted in a semi socialist manner.  Land reform was a major feature of its efforts.  Overall, its economic policies were, however, a failure and its rule, very authoritarian.

Velasco was overthrown in a subsequent military coup in 1975 and died of natural causes in 1977.

Frenando Belaunde Terry, whom he deposed, returned from exile and was reelected President of Peru in 1980.

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