Saturday, January 20, 2018

Best Post of the Week of January 14, 2018

The best post of the week of January 14, 2018.

You can't (or shouldn't) ignore history and you don't get to make it up.

 In which we take a look at the history of the Church. . . the real history, not the one that some folks like to make up.


The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution and our Cheery Belief that Age just Doesn't Matter

In which we look at age and politics.

Cultural habituation and personal hypocrisy? A personal pondering.

 In which we look at our own attitudes on age.

There have been what I thought were Hutterites, but which are maybe Amish, at the last two gun shows here. . . .

In which we look at the relentless and aimless, advance of technology in everything.

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