Sunday, April 19, 2015


Several months ago, for no particular reason, I suddenly had the urge to email an old law school friend.

When he wrote back that day, he'd told me that he'd woken up in the middle of the night, and wondered how I was doing.


Recently, I went to look up an event I must speak at for my publisher.  About five minutes later she emailed me regarding the event.


Recently I went to Denver.  The proceeding I was at went way over-length.  On the way home, before Cheyenne, my wife called and informed that friends had been in an accident north of Cheyenne.  Could I pick them up?

Yes, but only due to. . .


Years and years ago, indeed perhaps a couple of decades ago, a friend and I left work early, on the last day of Blue Grouse season, to go hunting. We never left work early, but we did that day.  We drove high up into the Big Horns, not really a wise decision on the last day of November, which was the last day of Blue Grouse season.  The road started to drift in, and we decided to turn around, but then decided to go one more ridge, for no good reason. We had actually decided to turn around.  When we got on the top of the ridge, there in the drifted in road was a sedan with an elderly man astride it.  It turned out he was just out of the hospital, from hip replacement surgery, and had decided to go for a mountain drive and become lost.  At that time of the year, with no cattle or sheep in the high country, and no earthly reason for anyone to be up there, it would likely have been days before anyone came that way.  But we did, and we pulled him out.


Some call synchronicity "coincidence", which expresses the same thing, sort of.  Synchronicity expresses the phenomenon of extraordinary things in time sync, while coincidence express to things, incidents co-existing in time.  But what is missing from the etymology of both words is the fact, and I think it is a fact, that there's a mysterious element of it which is beyond explanation, and which is metaphysical.

People can dismiss that, but they do so at their hazard.  Open to that possibility, indeed reality, many more things show to be synchronicitous.   Why does one thing suddenly go one way, when past examples show that it should not.  Sometimes, we're placed somewhere, and sometimes, others are placed somewhere in relation to us.  Probably much more often than we realize.


Rich said...

I've had more than a couple of similar "life and death" types of synchronicity similar to your grouse hunting story.

In the relative anonymity of the online world I'd admit that they were all cases of some sort of synchronicity, but in person I'd be almost reluctant to talk about it.

I'm pretty sure I already know why I'd be hesitant to talk about it, but I still wonder why that is.

Pat, Marcus & Alexis said...

I've had more of these sort of experiences than recalled here as well. And I would have been, up until the last couple of years, reluctant to express them. But I've ceased being reluctant. Not sure why, but I have been.

I think we all have more than we'd suppose, and that in retrospect, we only recognize some of them as being synchronicitious years after they happened, upon deeper reflection.