Thursday, April 13, 2023

Tuesday, April 13, 1943. Jefferson Memorial Dedicated.

Franklin Roosevelt dedicated the Jefferson Memorial on the 200th anniversary of President Jefferson's birth.

Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC

Another blog's item on this:

April 13, 1943 – Dedication of Jefferson Memorial

If the memorial were to be dedicated today, there's be protesters and consternation, noting correctly that Jefferson was a slave owner and had bedded one of his slaves, who was a half sister to his late wife.  We have the luxury of protesting, of course, as today we're perfect.

Radio Berlin announced the discovery of the graves of the Katyn Massacre, which became a propaganda point for the Germans.  That fact is thick with irony, given the extent of which Nazi Germany was involved in mass murder, of which the Poles in general were an early victim.

644th Tank Destroyer Bn at Ft Lewis WA. Wikib101hermann, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

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