Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Blog Mirror: Prepare for the Shock Troops

Worth reading:

Prepare for the Shock Troops

Sooner or later, the United States is going to get gun control, and it's going to get gun control that those in the firearms' community won't like, and beyond that, which is over broad and burdensome.

It will happen.

And when it does, a large percentage of the blame for that will fall to:

1.  Rexall Commandos who insisted in playing soldier while not really in the service, imagining themselves as defending freedom while appearing like Nazi Stormtroopers to everyone else; and

2. The NRA for featuring military style weapons as their main theme, month after month, or arguing that everyone needs to carry a handgun or a military style carbine constantly as violence is about to break out suddenly; and

3.  The firearms industry for caving to the AR15 demand, knowing in their heart of hearts that this is temporary; and

4. The NRA for effectively becoming a branch of the far Trump right; and 

5.  The GOP for lacking the guts to not pander to camouflage wearing Rexall Commandos.

6.  Regular firearms owners for not standing up to their fellows who are affecting the Stalingrad/RhodesianSAS/Special Forces combined discount store, last stand at Volgograd Tractor Plant appearance and everything must be an AR15 viewpoint.

I'm not arguing for gun control.  I'm casting blame for what is surely coming.

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