Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Pegging out on the stress meter.

The Washington Post has determined that law is the most stressful profession, based on data they analyzed from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Following the law were scientific and technical workers were on the whole second most stressed.  Finance and insurance industry workers and educators were pretty darned stressed, too. 

Not surprising me at all, the industry with the lowest levels of stress and the highest levels of happiness was agriculture, logging and forestry.

The top and the bottom of this is no surprise.  Law, which I now have been in for over half of my life, is pretty stressful. Agriculture, which I've been in for a long time, is not anywhere near as stressful

I know people in agriculture believe otherwise, but the fact of the matter is that it isn't.  Animal agriculture, in my view, is the least stressful.

It all figures, of course.  Being close to nature is our nature.  Being in an office taking on the problems of others, and sometimes fighting on and on, may be something our natures accommodate in brief doses, but not day after day, every day.

That doesn't mean, I'd note, any profession is stress-free.  Indeed, I'm pretty firmly convinced that people who have a stress free life situation just go out and create some for some reason.  Take Prince Harry for example.  Anyhow, nothing, including agriculture, is stress free. Nobody gets a 100% stress pass.

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