Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26th, 1919. Sgt. York brought to nation's attention, Orlando goes home, 26th Division photographed.

The Country Gentleman and The Saturday Evening Post both featured Norman Rockwell illustrations on this Saturday, April 26, 1919.

The Saturday Evening Posts would be a significant issue, as it brought Sgt. Alvin York's heroism to a national audience for the first time.  The article, entitled "The Second Elder Gives Battle" made York a national hero.

In Paris, Italian Prime Minister Orlando packed up and left as the conference would not give Italy the port city of Fiume.  That failure would doom Orlando's leadership and he would be out of office within a month.  Fiume became a free state in 1920.  It would last until 1924 when the Kingdom of Italy absorbed the city by way of a treaty which the Free State regarded as invalid.  Today the town, known as Rijeka, is the third largest city in Croatia.

Closer to home, a a "war tank" was going to arrive on Sunday in Casper.

And units of the 26th Division were photographed.

Supply Company, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division, April 26, 1919.

Company I, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division

Company F, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division.

Company M, 102nd Infantry, 26th Division

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