Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tuesday, October 17, 1944 The Battle of Leyte Gulf.

Diversionary air attacks take place in support of the upcoming landings at Leyte gulf.

The Greek civil war commenced with fighting in Athens.

Captured anti aircraft gun, October 17, 1944.

Last edition:

Friday, October 17, 1924. Media Event.

Calvin Coolidge hosted a breakfast at the White House for Broadway actors.  Al Jolson, Ed Wynn, John Drew Jr., Raymond Hitchcock, Charlotte Greenwood and Francine Larrimore were in attendance.

It was the first such media event in U.S. Presidential politics and was calculated to counteract Coolidge's dour personality.

Last edition:

Thursday, October 16, 1924. See See Rider.

Saturday, October 17, 1914. The Siege of Naco.

Pancho Villa ordered his forces to attack a garrison  loyal to  Venustiano Carranza and Álvaro Obregón at Naco, Sonora, Mexico, commencing what would become a 119 day siege. 

The town is on the border with Arizona.

The British took Violaines and French cavalry Fromelles .  French forces recaptured Armentières.

The German Navy lost a torpedo squadron trying to lay mines at them mouth of the Thames.  A German torpedo boat sank the Japanese cruiser Takachiho.

Last edition:

Friday, October 16, 1914. Kiwis depart.

Sunday, October 17, 1909. First Navy officer flight.

Lt. George Sweet became the first U.S. Navy officer to fly in an aircraft.

He went up as a passenger of Orville Wright.

Last edition:

Saturday, October 16, 1909. Two heavyweight leaders meet.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A nice suit.

Lex Anteinternet: Inflation. A needed primer.: Seeing as I see so many posts, some from people running for office on this, a reminder. Inflation going down just means the rate of inflatio...

I must say, this guy has a really nice looking suit.

Monday, October 16, 1944. Fascist Hungary.

The German backed fascist coup in Hungary, designed to keep the country in the war, completed with the leader of the banned  fascist Arrow Cross Party, Ferenc Szálasi, becoming prime minister of  a "Government of National Unity" w hich was controlled by the Germans.  Horthy was taken prisoner.

Horthy, who appears here a lot, died in Portugal in 1957 at age 88.  Szálasi was executed in 1946 at  age 49.

Who the crap could think that the fascist were going to win in late 1944?

 T/5 Ray Tintera, Tampa, Fla., and Sgt. Elwood Johnson, Ogema, Wisc., check civilians at an outpost in Monschau, Germany. 16 October, 1944.g, Admiral Miklós Horthy was forced out of office and replaced by Ferenc Szálasi of the fascist Arrow Cross Party.

Registration slips of these two German frauleins are checked by T/4 Nick Kellen, Woodstock, Mich., as they pass through the outskirts of Monschen, Germany. Slips showed them to be Karolina Rader and Johanna Kirch. 16 October, 1944.

The Soviets launched the Gumbinnen Operation with the goal of penetrating the borders of East Prussia.

Albanian partisans liberated Vlorë.

Maj. Gen. Eurico Jaspar Dutra, (left), Brazilian Minister of War and Maj. Gen. Mascarenhas De Moraes, C.G. of the B.E.F., shown in hatches of a medium tank in which they took a ride during an inspecting tour at the IV Corps recently. Fifth Army, IV Corps area, Italy. 16 October, 1944.

The U.S. launched an offensive towards Bologna.

The 10th Indian Division crossed the Savio River.

A U.S. bombing raid on Salzburg destroyed the dome of the cathedral and most of the Mozart family home.

Troops of the 44th Division await truck transportation after unloading at a station in Northern France. They are on their way to the front. 16 October, 1944.

Pfc. Victor Henry, Pontotoc, Miss., fires his machine gun through a hole in a wall, at Germans in a barn 300 yards away, beyond Kohlscheid, Germany. He is flanked by two of his buddies. 16 October, 1944. Company K, 3rd Battalion, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division.

Thursday, October 16, 1924. See See Rider.

Incarcerated menace Adolf Hitler published a statement admitting that he was born in Austria, not Germany, but arguing that he had lost his Austrian citizenship after volunteering to serve in the German Army during World War I .  He claimed that mentally, he'd always been a German.  

He nonetheless did not renounce his Austrian citizenship until 1925, and didn't acquire German citizenship until 1932.

Ma Rainey recorded See See Rider, the first known recording of the blues standard which has an unknown origin and date of origin.  It's at least a couple of decades older than the recording.

Ma Rainey.

Last edition:

Wednesday, October 15, 1924. Airship and a proclamation.

Friday, October 16, 1914. Kiwis depart.

Belgian and French troops held back the Germans at the Yser.

The British took Aubers at the cost of 1,000 casualties.

The New Zealand Expeditionary Force left New Zealand for Australia.

Last edition:

Wednesday, October 14, 1914. Border tensions.

Saturday, October 16, 1909. Two heavyweight leaders meet.

William H. Taft met Porfirio Diaz at the El Paso Chamber of Commerce.  That evening, Taft crossed over the Rio Grande to Ciudad Juárez for a banquet hosted by Diaz, becoming the first U.S. President to visit a foreign country while in office, although it was temporarily declared neutral territory to honor a tradition that was soon to become obsolete.

Taft was in his first year of what would turn out to be a one year presidency.  Diaz was one year away from a revolution that would end over thirty years in power.

The Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Detroit Lions to win the World Series.

The world's fist passenger airline, DELAG (DEutsche Luftschiffahrt AktienGesellschaft), was founded in Frankfurt, Germany.

It flew Zeppelins.

Today In Wyoming's History: October 161909  Following on his success of the prior month, August Malchow fought again at the Methany Hall in Thermopolis, defeating challenger Johnny Gilsey in a draw.

Stanley Ketchel fought  Jack Johnson in a match at Colma, California, knocking the former champion down with his first punch in the 12th round. Johnson in turn struck back with a right uppercut that broke Ketchel's front teeth and knocked out Ketchel.

The board of directors of General Motors approved a plant to buy Ford Motor Company for $8,000,000. . . which fell through when they failed to obtain financing.

Last edition:

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sunday, October 15, 1944. Horthy attempts to take Hungary out of the war.

n Aachen, Germany, Pfc. Ragnel Lundgren, Jamestown, New York, maintains continuous communications with his headquarters with a handie-talkie radio. 15 October, 1944. 1st Infantry Division.

Aided by the armored force, Yank infantry moves forward to engage the enemy in Aachen, Germany. 15 October, 1944. Company M, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

Regent of Hungary Miklós Horthy made a radio broadcast announcing a separate peace with the Soviet Union.  The Germans launched Operation Panzerfaust, a commando operation to seize Horthy and keep Hungary in the war.  He was in fact seized later that day and resigned in favor of Arrow Cross leader Ferenc Szálasi when he learned that his son had been seized and his life was in danger.

The Red Army too Riga.

Partisans launched an operation to expel the Germans from Kosovo.

The Poles took Gambettola.

The Leipzig collided with the Prinz Eugen in the Baltic fog and was rendered a total loss.

The U-777 was sunk by the RAF.

Task Force 38.4 conducted air raids north of Manila.

Pfc. Hoyle E. Lougherty, Knoxville, Tenn., looks at a warning sign posted by the Nazis for the German citizenry of Aachen, Germany. It means "Take care, the enemy may be listening". 15 October, 1944.

Last edition:

Saturday, October 14, 1944. Rommel kills himself.

Wednesday, October 15, 1924. Airship and a proclamation.

Proclamation, October 15, 1924

Purpose: To declare historic landmarks on military reservations as national monuments

Date: October 15, 1924

WHEREAS, there are various military reservations under the control of the Secretary of War which comprise areas of historic and scientific interest;

AND WHEREAS, by section 2 of the Act of Congress approved June 8, 1906 (34 Stat. 225) the President is authorized “in his discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the Government of the United States to be national monuments, and may reserve as a part thereof parcels of land, the limits of which in all cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected”;

NOW THEREFORE, I, as Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States of America, under authority of the said Act of Congress do hereby declare and proclaim the hereinafter designated areas with the historic structures and objects thereto appertaining, and any other object or objects specifically designated, within the following military reservations to be national monuments:


The site of the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World, the foundations of which are built in the form of an eleven-pointed star and clearly define the area comprising about two and one-half acres.

CASTLE PINCKNEY, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.

The entire reservation, comprising three and one-half acres situated on Shutes Folly Island at the mouth of Cooper River opposite the southern extremity of the city of Charleston and about one mile distant therefrom.


The entire area comprising the site of the old fortifications which are clearly defined by ditches and embankments, which inclose about twenty acres.


The entire area comprising 18.09 acres situated in the city of Saint Augustine, Florida.


An area of one acre comprising within it the site of the old fortification which is situated on a marsh island south of the present main channel of the Matanzas River in the southeast quarter of section 14, Township 9 South, Range 30 East, about 15 miles from the city of Saint Augustine, and about one mile from Matanzas Inlet.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington this fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-ninth.

Calvin Coolidge.

The German built dirigible USS Los Angeles arrived at Lakehurst Naval Station.  It took 81 hours for the airship to travel there from Germany.

The Prince of Wales traveled from Detroit to Toronto and participated in a fox hunt.

Toronto was a very English town at the time.

Last edition:

Tuesday, October 14, 1924. The 1924 Wyoming Special Election takes sides.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Saturday, October 14, 1944. Rommel kills himself.

A German Mark V Panther tank has been knocked out by the U.S. Army Air Corps. It stands alone in this field near Ploy, France. 14 October, 1944.

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, rather than face trial for his remote association with the July 20 plot, killed himself.  He was met first by representatives of the German government and his house surrounded and given the choice between suicide with a state funeral and immunity from prosecution for his family, vs a trial.  The German public was told that he died from wounds associated with an Allied strafing run on his car.

German observation posts in Aachen, Germany, are targets for these M10s and their three-inch guns of "A" Co., 634th TD Bn. 14 October, 1944.  Company A, 634th Tank Destroyer Battalion attached to 1st Infantry Division.

The Allies took Athens and the Piraeus.  British forces landed at Corfu.

German and Italian Social Republic forces took Domodossola, Italy from partisans.

Troops in Italy eating K rations, looking a lot like Bill Mauldin's Willie and Joe depictions.

Two soldiers with a tapped keg of some kind.

The Germans withdrew from Niš, Yugoslavia.

The 81st Infantry Division replaced the 1st Marine Division at Peleliu.

Formosa was hit again by Task Force 38.  Task Force 38.4 conducted air raids on Luzon.

The Canadian frigate Magog was damaged beyond repair in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence by the U-1223.

Last edition:

Friday, October 13, 1944. Black Friday for the Black Watch.