Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thomas Berger passes

I learned, just tonight, that Thomas Berger, the novelist, died in July at age 89.

Berger was the author of Little Big Man, a great novel and one of my absolute favorite. Even though I'm engaged, slow motion, in trying to write a historical novel (for which this blog is supposedly research), I read very few novels of any kid. But this is a great one.

Most people familiar with this title are probably familiar with the now dated movie.  I like the movie, but in some ways the movie hasn't passed the test of time.  The book, however, certainly has.  It serves the function that the best historical fiction does, acting to illuminate the truth of which the fiction is based.  Its great.

I haven't read any of Mr. Berger's other novels, including the 1999 sequel to Little Big Man, which was well received.  I may read at least that latter novel. At any rate, however, if Mr. Berger had contributed only one book to the American library, Little Big Man would ahve been a great addition.

May he rest in peace.

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