Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thursday, September 3, 1914. Pope Benedict XV starts his reign.

Giacomo della Chiesa became Pope Benedict XV, the 258th Pope.

His papacy would be short, ending upon his death in 1922.  He had to endure the disaster of the First World War and its aftermath, including the Anglo Irish War and Irish Civil War.

Prince William of Albania left he country after a mere six months on the throne.  He was a Prussian by birth and was really a remnant of an earlier era, a Lutheran monarch in the Balkans making no sense whatsoever.   Having said that, he refused to throw Albania into the Great War as an Austro Hungarian vassal.

He returned to Germany and served in the German Army during World War One under a pseudonym, as his reign had not officially terminated.  That termination came in 1925, but when Albania was reestablished as as monarch in 1928, the former Prime Minister becoming its Islamic King, he attempted to be declared the king, which had been his title inside of Albania.

He'd been a pre war Imperial German officer, so that made sense, but oddly he relocated after the Great War to Romania, where he died in 1945.

The Russians exploited Austro Hungarian gaps at the Battle of Rawa.

French composer Lucien Denis Gabriel Albéric Magnard died defending his property from the Germans.  His actions made him a hero in France, but the actions truly would have made him a francs-tireurs.

Sioux County, North Dakota was established.

Last edition:

Friday, September 2, 1914. Staging for Tsingtao.

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