Friday, September 20, 2024

Sunday, September 20, 1914. The Irish Nationalist Volunteers.

John Redmond called on the Irish Republican Irish Volunteers to volunteer for British service, which most did.  

Irish enlistment in the British Army in the Great War was large-scale, as it would prove to be again in World War Two.  Enlistees in the British forces received little recognition after the war, however, as the Anglo Irish War and following independence tainted it.

Ottoman general Essad Pasha Toptani organized an armed force of 10,000 men to invade Albania, having received the support from Serbia and Italy to do so.

The German cruiser SMS Königsberg sank the British cruiser HMS Pegasus at the Battle of Zanzibar.

Last edition:

Friday, September 18, 1914. The Irish government and two acts.

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