Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Sunday, February 4, 1945. The Yalta Conference begins.

The Yalta Conference started in Yalta, in the Crimea, under the unfortunate circumstance of the Red Army only being 40 miles from Berlin.  It was, of course, halted.

The postwar order and the war with Japan were the topics.  It would be one of the most consequential conferences of the 20th Century.  

Even in the photograph above it's easy to tell that Franklin Roosevelt was not well.  The truth is, he was on death's door, and knew it.  Those around him knew it too.  At least one of those around him were far more friendly to a Communist world view than was known, except to the Soviets themselves.

Manila was being closed in on by the US Army from two directions.

The Battle of Pokoku and Irrawaddy River operations began in Burma.

The USS Barbel was sunk by Japanese aircraft off Palawan.

The USAAF raids Iwo Jima for a second day with B-24s and B-29s.

Last edition:

Saturday, February 3, 1945. When you see those photos of a Red Army sergeant raising the Soviet flag over Berlin, and the city looks wrecked, it wasn't actually the ground combat that caused that.

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