Wyoming otters set to lose protected status after reclassification passes final vote: The likely statute change opens the door for relocating or killing the fish-eating mustelids when they’re deemed a nuisance, but not recreational hunting and trapping.
The entire otters and the legislature series of events has been rather odd.
The Freedom Caucus, which doesn't like the government, even though they are the government, stabbed local governments in the back and got its 50% property tax bill through the House yesterday.
My prediction is that this won't make it through the whole legislature, and if it does, will be vetoed, which will give the WFC somebody to hate, which seems necessary to its politics.
It's been well demonstrated that the WFC really doesn't like education much, and therefore its no surprise an anti education bill advanced in the form of public funds to parents who choose to opt for private schools of various types, preferably those, as we know, that won't teach children science or accurate history.
Universal school vouchers clear Senate with notable addition of pre-K funding: Controversial measure spurred intense debate as lawmakers reported deluge of constituent concerns. Even President Trump weighed in.
Clearing the Senate means it goes back to the House for reconciliation, which will occur. This will then head to the Governor's desk.
Amid rising tensions, Wyoming Legislature welcomes Canada, biggest buyer of state exports: Republican leaders of the Legislature touted the state’s relationship with Canada, even as President Donald Trump targets the longstanding trading partner and ally with tariffs and other threats.
February 21, 2025
Casper is attempting to address the looming budgetary disaster:
My fellow Casperites,
It’s an old adage, but it’s true — all politics is local. At best, the Wyoming legislature seems to have forgotten that; at worst, they simply don’t care. And frankly, that’s what makes writing this letter so frustrating, yet urgent.
I am informing you of a drastic change to our standard of living should the legislature pass SF0069 as is currently proposed, their 50% property tax cut.
The City of Casper is tasked with providing you the essential services necessary for living: clean drinking water, responsible garbage collection, treating wastewater, maintaining functional infrastructure, and responsive police, fire, and emergency services. Beyond that, the City works to increase your quality of life and drive our economic development through well-maintained parks, recreation facilities and programming for adults and our kids, restoring our river, and fostering a vibrant arts and cultural scene.
These essential services, economic drivers, and quality of life amenities are all on the chopping block for partial or complete defunding should SF0069 pass. If the legislature follows through, their actions may fundamentally change our way of life in Casper.
The City of Casper would see an immediate direct cut of $2 million to our budget and a yet-to-be-determined number of indirect cuts from the loss of revenue to partnerships the City holds with special tax districts, Natrona County, and the Senior Citizen Service District.
The City Council has a statutory obligation to create and pass balanced budgets. In times of economic crisis, we roll up our sleeves and do the hard work necessary to fulfill our obligation in a transparent, responsible manner that maintains a high standard of living while “living within our means.” This is not such a time. As Councilor Pollock stated over the weekend, this is a legislature-engineered crisis with little regard for the consequences and impacts residents will feel.
With this loss of revenue, the City Council will have to make the hard decisions of what to cut: implement a hiring freeze for police, fire, and emergency services professionals? Close our public parks? End after-school youth programming? Stop plowing roads after snowstorms? Stand by as our sewer and water lines fail? Reduce weekly garbage collection services? Is it really worth losing all of this for $70 a month in tax relief for the average household?
These are all very real considerations and decisions the Council will have to make that impact you, your family, and our broader Casper community. But when local leaders speak out, we are reprimanded by members of the legislature who do not want us to speak up on the harmful impacts their manufactured budget crisis is creating.
As your Mayor, I assure you that we haven’t forgotten that all politics is local. That’s why we’re going to continue to speak out, fight for you, fight for the quality of life you have come to expect here in Casper, and will do so in a transparent, responsive manner. And if you’re feeling as passionate about this as I am, please speak out and have your voice heard.
Thank you,
Mayor Ray Pacheco
Mayor Pacheco released a video of himself reading the letter. Early Facebook comments met with ignorant derision.
Fifteen bills have passed the legislature and are awaiting action by the Governor. They are:
Here are the first 15 bills that were passed as of 5:45 p.m. Tuesday night.
House Bill 45. This removes otters as a state protected species in Wyoming and allows Wyoming Game and Fish to manage them.
52-8 vote in the House and 22-9 in the Senate.
I think I would have voted no.
House Bill 75. This dimly reduced the coal severance tax rate from 6.5% to 6% for surface coal production, resulting in a $7.6M reduction in state income.
Proponents naively believe that the tax reduction will help the coal industry.
The bill passed 57-4 in the House and 23-8 vote in the Senate.
I'd have voted no.
House Bill 82. This requires health insurance carriers to follow specific guidelines regarding credentialing and specifies that carriers shall not be required to violate or fail to meet requirements of a nationally recognized accrediting entity.
I don't really grasp exactly what this does.
House Bill 25. This requires the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident that makes their vehicle inoperable to report the accident to law enforcement.
I'd have voted m'eh.
House Bill 4. This increases the annual registration fees for resident snowmobiles and nonresident annual snowmobile user fees and creates a permanent registration for antique snowmobiles.
I guess I'd have voted yes.
House Bill 92 This requires the Wyoming Livestock Board to initiate memorandums of understanding regarding the identification of livestock delivered to other states.
I'd have voted yes, but its interesting that this bill which was overwhelmingly supported is in the "more government" category.
House Bill 30 This changes the expiration and renewal date for driver’s licenses for people younger than 21
I'd have voted yes, as did every member of the legislature.
House Bill 27 This changes the way disabled parking windshield placards are written in Wyoming.
I'd have voted yes.
House Bill 23 This repeals the requirements to physically surrender a driver's license in Wyoming. It passed 60-0 in the House and 29-2 in the Senate.
House Bill 54 This authorizes the assignment of cases and proceedings from circuit courts and district courts to chancery court judges. It passed on a 58-1 vote in the House and 60-0 in the Senate.
Hmmm. . . I'm not sure.
House Bill 73 This states that landowners who allow rock climbers onto their property won’t be liable if they’re hurt by adding the words “rock climbing” to the activities covered under the Recreation Safety Act.
I'd have voted yes.
House Bill 61 This bill provides that a state land lease applicant who is the holder of an expiring lease and has paid in full for their lease, and is not in current violation of a lease, shall have preferred right to renew their lease.
I'd have voted yes.
House Bill 41 This bill clarifies that both coal mines and non-coal mine operations may deposit irrevocable letters of credit issued by a bank in lieu of a bond to the Wyoming Department of Quality.
I'd have voted yes.
House Bill 22 This bill provides that local homeland security planners shall require coordination with each certified water and wastewater operator in order to provide emergency and public safety services for homeland security.
I'd have voted yes.
House Bill 14 This bill establishes a prioritized list of cease and transfer projects for municipal solid waste facilities.
Of note, none of these, other than perhaps the otter bill, is controversial in any fashion.
February 22, 2022
Things advancing:
Bill | Catch Title | Sponsor | Last Action | Last Action Date |
HB0005 | Fishing outfitters and guides-registration of fishing boats. | Travel | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0033 | Vehicle sales and use tax distribution-highway fund. | Transportation | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0039 | Property tax refund program-revisions. | Revenue | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/19/2025 |
HB0046 | Homeschool freedom act. | Strock | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0064 | Chemical abortions-ultrasound requirement. | Neiman | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/20/2025 |
HB0072 | Protecting women's privacy in public spaces act. | Lawley | S COW:Passed 16-14-1-0-0 | 02/21/2025 |
HB0097 | Property conveyances near critical infrastructure. | Appropriations | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0116 | Driver's licenses-unauthorized alien restrictions. | Ottman | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0181 | Funeral contracts-investment and bonding requirements. | Larsen, L | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0226 | License plate-search and rescue council. | Campbell, K | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0242 | Manufacturers and dealers of new trailers-changes. | Tarver | S COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0289 | Certificate of need repeal-3. | Geringer | S COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
HB0316 | School finance-model recalibration-2. | Mgt Council | S COW:Passed | 02/19/2025 |
SF0004 | State park peace officers-definition and scope of authority. | Travel | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0007 | Protection order amendments. | Judiciary | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0008 | Protection orders-effective during appeal or review. | Judiciary | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0039 | Automatic transfer of automobile title upon death. | Olsen | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0043 | Temporary water use agreements amendments. | Agriculture | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0061 | Pollution control property tax exemption-applicability. | Case | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0072 | Summer vacation preservation act. | Brennan | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0075 | Coroner investigations-disposition of decedent's property. | Case | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0079 | District courts-change of venue. | Crago | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0082 | Omnibus water bill-planning. | Water | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0098 | School board trustees-party affiliation. | Olsen | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0110 | Inclusion of crossing guards for governmental claims act. | Brennan | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0114 | Missing persons-reporting requirement. | Landen | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0119 | Expedited professional licensure for military members. | Boner | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0127 | Administrative rules-legislative review. | Boner | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0130 | Emergency assistance immunity-mental health services. | Rothfuss | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0137 | School finance-cash reserves. | Dockstader | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0143 | Public monies-deposits in credit unions. | Nethercott | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0151 | Monthly ad valorem tax distribution-amendments. | Jones | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0179 | Sage grouse compensatory mitigation-amendments. | Barlow | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0181 | Eminent domain-energy collection systems-2. | Crago | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
SF0195 | Small business emergency bridge loan program. | Biteman | H COW:Passed | 02/21/2025 |
Outright failed:
Bill | Catch Title | Sponsor | Last Action | Last Action Date |
HB0010 | Limited mining operations-amendments. | Minerals | H COW:Failed 17-39-5-0-1 | 01/28/2025 |
HB0050 | Disclosure of sensitive information-law enforcement. | Judiciary | H COW:Failed 21-36-5-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
HB0051 | Municipal courts-maximum penalties. | Judiciary | H COW:Failed 21-38-3-0-0 | 01/22/2025 |
HB0091 | Eminent domain energy collector systems amendments. | Agriculture | H 3rd Reading:Failed 27-33-2-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
HB0093 | Protect Wyoming's Lands Act. | Agriculture | S COW:Failed 11-20-0-0-0 | 02/14/2025 |
HB0111 | Hit and run-responsibility and penalties. | Smith, S | S01 - Judiciary:Do Pass Failed 1-4-0-0-0 | 02/19/2025 |
HB0168 | Cultivated meat-prohibition. | Eklund | S 3rd Reading:Failed 12-19-0-0-0 | 02/20/2025 |
HB0186 | Bear coupons-game and fish. | Wharff | H COW:Failed 26-32-4-0-0 | 02/04/2025 |
HB0189 | Harmful communication-minors. | Lien | S COW:Failed 4-26-1-0-0 | 02/21/2025 |
HB0205 | Wyoming state fair department. | Strock | H 3rd Reading:Failed 13-46-3-0-0 | 02/06/2025 |
HB0221 | Bighorn and domestic sheep relocation-effective date repeal. | Ottman | S COW:Failed 11-19-1-0-0 | 02/21/2025 |
HB0234 | Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act amendments. | Allemand | S 3rd Reading:Failed 14-17-0-0-0 | 02/21/2025 |
HB0304 | State lands-hunting and fishing on cultivated cropland. | Eklund | H COW:Failed 10-50-2-0-0 | 02/10/2025 |
HB0320 | Taxation and Revenue Task Force 2028. | Storer | H 3rd Reading:Failed 25-36-1-0-0 | 02/11/2025 |
HB0341 | Summer nutrition assistance for children. | Larsen, L | H COW:Failed 25-34-3-0-0 | 02/10/2025 |
SF0003 | Mule and whitetail deer-separate hunting seasons. | Travel | S 3rd Reading:Failed 12-19-0-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
SF0014 | Wyoming imagination library program. | Education | S COW:Failed 6-23-2-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
SF0018 | Enhanced oil recovery-severance tax exemption. | Minerals | S COW:Failed 9-22-0-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
SF0021 | Ban on cell phone use in schools. | Schuler | S COW:Failed 7-21-3-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
SF0029 | Firearm hold agreement-limited liability. | Transportation | S COW:Failed 2-26-3-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
SF0031 | Boards and commissions veteran ex officio members. | Transportation | S COW:Failed 11-17-3-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
SF0041 | Federal acts-legal actions authorized. | Agriculture | S 3rd Reading:Failed 15-13-2-0-1 | 01/28/2025 |
SF0067 | Long-term homeowner tax exemption-revisions. | Revenue | S COW:Failed 13-15-1-0-2 | 01/28/2025 |
SF0068 | Government owned lands. | Revenue | S COW:Failed 11-16-3-0-1 | 02/04/2025 |
SF0085 | Constitutional enforcement of localities. | Ide | S COW:Failed 6-23-2-0-0 | 02/04/2025 |
SF0111 | Net metering revisions. | Case | S 3rd Reading:Failed 10-17-4-0-0 | 02/05/2025 |
SF0123 | School finance-competitive grants for crossing guards. | Brennan | S COW:Failed 10-20-1-0-0 | 02/10/2025 |
SF0124 | Illegal immigration-identify, report, detain and deport. | Steinmetz | S COW:Failed 10-20-1-0-0 | 02/10/2025 |
SF0150 | For-profit trade schools-property tax exemption. | McKeown | S COW:Failed 12-17-2-0-0 | 02/07/2025 |
SF0178 | Fixing reading failure. | Scott | S 3rd Reading:Failed 6-24-1-0-0 | 02/12/2025 |
SF0185 | Governmental property-taxation and sale. | Case | S COW:Failed 6-20-4-0-1 | 02/07/2025 |
SF0189 | Uniform commercial code-investment securities amendments. | Biteman | S 3rd Reading:Failed 10-20-1-0-0 | 02/12/2025 |
SJ0002 | Resolution demanding equal footing. | Ide | S 3rd Reading:S Bill Reconsideration Motion Failed by Roll Call 14-16-1-0-0 | 02/10/2025 |
SJ0006 | School capital construction-constitutional amendment. | Scott | S 3rd Reading:Failed 18-12-1-0-0 | 02/10/2025 |
SJ0010 | Legislative and executive authority-taxation and spending. | Laursen, D | S COW:Failed 9-21-1-0-0 | 02/10/2025 |
And, an example of dipshittery:
Bill allowing guns in schools, UW buildings heads to the governor
Last edition:
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