The Tribune has been out for an extended period of time due to "Cyber Security issues".
Hmmm. . .
Donald Trump just has to ruin everything.
What a child.
Trump may well wish to remember that Americans notoriously turn on those they fawn over. They can and often have done it virtually overnight. There's a real chance that many of the same people who slavishly love Trump today, will hate him tomorrow.
On Trump, the occupant of the Oval Office flew on Air Force One to Mara Lago, and then flew to California for the game, all on the taxpayers dime. While there, he was of course protected by the Secrete Service.
How much do we suppose all that cost?
While Elon Musk runs the doggy agency, why doesn't he cut this crap out. Trump doesn't need a government airplane for weekend getaways. That's not official business. He can buy an airplane ticket like everyone else. And as for his protection, if they attended the Super Bowl, and they did, he should pick up the tab for it. And as he was just on a frolic and detour, he can pick up the costs for all of his security for all of this, including the local costs which there no doubt were.
I'm sure that will occur to Musk . . .
Indeed, one of the things that has caused Presidents in general to mistake themselves for kings is all the security and infrastructure that goes into maintaining them. This would be a good time to cut that out. An airplane to go to something official? Well okay. A Marine Corps helicopter on the front lawn, forget it. Just drive.
And for that matter, there's no real reason for much of the White House staff. Melania isn't working, she can cook dinner. And that's just a starter.
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