Friday, February 28, 2025

Wednesday, February 28, 1945. Saudi Arabia declares war.

Saudi Arabia declared war on the Axis powers.

German officer taken prisoner by U.S. Army, February 28, 1945.

The Red Army too Neustettin.

The Third Army too Bitburg.

German POWs taken by 4th Infantry Division, part of the 3d Army.  The US infantrymen have the typical late war disheveled look in spite of being part of the 3d Army.  At least two of three of the German POWs are Luftwaffe personnel.

The US conducts landings at Puerto Princesa on Palawan.

John Harlan Willis performed the actions that resulted in his being conferred a posthumous Congressional Medal of Honor.

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Platoon Corpsman serving with the 3d Battalion, 27th Marines, 5th Marine Division, during operations against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, 28 February 1945. Constantly imperiled by artillery and mortar fire from strong and mutually supporting pillboxes and caves studding Hill 362 in the enemy's cross-island defenses, Willis resolutely administered first aid to the many marines wounded during the furious close-in fighting until he himself was struck by shrapnel and was ordered back to the battle-aid station. Without waiting for official medical release, he quickly returned to his company and, during a savage hand-to-hand enemy counterattack, daringly advanced to the extreme frontlines under mortar and sniper fire to aid a marine lying wounded in a shellhole. Completely unmindful of his own danger as the Japanese intensified their attack, Willis calmly continued to administer blood plasma to his patient, promptly returning the first hostile grenade which landed in the shell-hole while he was working and hurling back 7 more in quick succession before the ninth exploded in his hand and instantly killed him. By his great personal valor in saving others at the sacrifice of his own life, he inspired his companions, although terrifically outnumbered, to launch a fiercely determined attack and repulse the enemy force. His exceptional fortitude and courage in the performance of duty reflect the highest credit upon Willis and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Last edition:

Tuesday, February 27, 1945. Hard fighting on Iwo Jima.

Saturday, February 28, 1925. Earthquake in Quebec.

A  6.2 struck Quebec with an epicenter in the St. Lawrence River near La Malbaie.  It caused damage in the areas of Charlevoix and Kamouraska, but no major casualties.

The Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the Crimean Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic voted to prohibit Jewish resettlement in Crimea, which the USSR would ignore.

The Saturday magazines were out.

The Country Gentleman had a scene that would have been familiar to much of the globe's population living in colder regions, but which is largely unfamiliar to most now, lighting a wood burning stove.  I have a short description of this in my currently unfinished novel.

Sunday, February 28, 1915. Trench Raid.

The Canadian Army launched the first trench raid of World War One.  Canadians would excel at this tactic during the war. 

Last edition:

Thursday, February 25, 1915. The Cottonwood Bluff War.

Monday, February 28, 1910. Last Bare Knuckle.

The last bare knuckle boxing match in the US took place in Passaic, New Jersey, between boxers Leo Baker and Dave Smith. They fought 32 rounds without gloves, with the match ending in a draw.

Last edition:

Friday, February 25, 1910. Dealing with monopolists.

Wednesday, February 28, 1900. Relieving Ladysmith.

The British lifted the four month siege of Ladysmith..

Last edition:

Tuesday, February 27, 1900. Surrender at Paardeberg.

The Agrarian's Lament: Imports and Exports Coexist in Harmony

The Agrarian's Lament: Imports and Exports Coexist in Harmony:   Imports and Exports Coexist in Harmony

The Agrarian's Lament: Broken Promises: Over 30,000 Farmers Denied Funds

The Agrarian's Lament: Broken Promises: Over 30,000 Farmers Denied Funds:   Broken Promises: Over 30,000 Farmers Denied Funds

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Blog Mirror: Judge Tells Wyoming Legislators To Buy More Computers And Fund Schools Better

Education in Wyoming is a fundamental right, the highest form of protected right there is. The Court has addressed education funding before, and struck down a prior funding model.

Now, the 1st Judicial District is really giving the legislature the dope slap.

Judge Tells Wyoming Legislators To Buy More Computers And Fund Schools Better

Tuesday, February 27, 1945. Hard fighting on Iwo Jima.

"In the background, behind the U.S. soldier and tank destroyer, the town of Irsch, Germany, burns. 27 February, 1945. 10th Armored Division."  Photographer: T/5 D. R. Ornitz.

Civil administration of the Philippines was handed over to President Sergio Osmeña.

Lebanon declared war on the Axis.

The U-327 and U-1018 were sunk by the Royal Navy.

Sgt. Ross F. Gray won a posthumous Medal of Honor on Iwo Jima.  His citation:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Acting Platoon Sergeant serving with Company A, First Battalion, Twenty-Fifth Marines, Fourth Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, February 21, 1945. Shrewdly gauging the tactical situation when his platoon was held up by a sudden barrage of hostile grenades while advancing toward the high ground northeast of Airfield Number One, Sergeant Gray promptly organized the withdrawal of his men from enemy grenade range, quickly moved forward alone to reconnoiter and discovered a heavily mined area extending along the front of a strong network of emplacements joined by covered communication trenches. Although assailed by furious gunfire, he cleared a path leading through the mine field to one of the fortifications then returned to the platoon position and, informing his leader of the serious situation, volunteered to initiate an attack while being covered by three fellow Marines. Alone and unarmed but carrying a twenty-four pound satchel charge, he crept up the Japanese emplacement, boldly hurled the short-fused explosive and sealed the entrance. Instantly taken under machine-gun fire from a second entrance to the same position, he unhesitatingly braved the increasingly vicious fusillades to crawl back for another charge, returned to his objective and blasted the second opening, thereby demolishing the position. Repeatedly covering the ground between the savagely defended enemy fortifications and his platoon area, he systematically approached, attacked and withdrew under blanketing fire to destroy a total of six Japanese positions, more than twenty-five of the enemy and a quantity of vital ordnance gear and ammunition. Stouthearted and indomitable, Sergeant Gray had single-handedly overcome a strong enemy garrison and had completely disarmed a large mine field before finally rejoining his unit and, by his great personal valor, daring tactics and tenacious perseverance in the face of extreme peril, had contributed materially to the fulfillment of his company's mission. His gallant conduct throughout enhanced and sustained the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

 Gunnery Sergeant William G. Walsh likewise won a Medal of Honor:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Leader of an Assault Platoon, serving with Company G, Third Battalion, Twenty-seventh Marines, Fifth Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces at Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, on 27 February 1945. With the advance of his company toward Hill 362 disrupted by vicious machine-gun fire from a forward position which guarded the approaches to this key enemy stronghold, Gunnery Sergeant Walsh fearlessly charged at the head of his platoon against the Japanese entrenched on the ridge above him, utterly oblivious to the unrelenting fury of hostile automatic weapons and hand grenades employed with fanatic desperation to smash his daring assault. Thrown back by the enemy's savage resistance, he once again led his men in a seemingly impossible attack up the steep, rocky slope, boldly defiant of the annihilating streams of bullets which saturated the area, and despite his own casualty losses and the overwhelming advantage held by the Japanese in superior numbers and dominate position, gained the ridge's top only to be subjected to an intense barrage of hand grenades thrown by the remaining Japanese staging a suicidal last stand on the reverse slope. When one of the grenades fell in the midst of his surviving men, huddled together in a small trench, Gunnery Sergeant Walsh in a final valiant act of complete self-sacrifice, instantly threw himself upon the deadly bomb, absorbing with his own body the full and terrific force of the explosion. Through his extraordinary initiative and inspiring valor in the face of almost certain death, he saved his comrades from injury and possible loss of life and enabled his company to seize and hold this vital enemy position. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

The British 21st Army Group took Udem and Calcar.

The Red Army entered Pomerania.

Last edition:

Monday, February 26, 1945. Syria declares war. US coal curfew.

Friday February 27, 1925. The National Socialist Freedom Party.

The Nazi Party reconstituted itself as the Nationalsozialistische Freiheitspartei, or the National Socialist Freedom Party. . . hmmm. . . that has a familiar ring to it.

It had a new flag designed by Adolf Hitler.

President Coolidge held a press conference.

Last edition:

Thursday, February 26, 1925. Glacier Bay.

Tuesday, February 27, 1900. Surrender at Paardeberg.

Boer troops surrendered at Paardeberg.

Bayern Munich, the football club, was founded.

Last edition:

February 23, 1900. The passing of Blessed Rafaela Ybarra Arambarri de Vilallonga.

Saturday, February 27, 1875. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 passes Congress

The Civil Rights Act of 1875 passed the Senate and headed to President Grant's desk. The act authorised Federal force to protect individual rights, something that would start dying within two years as a result of the 1876 election bringing Reconstruction to an end.

It was of course a Republican bill.  It can be assumed that if the same bill were up for passage today, current Republicans would oppose it.

Last edition:

Thursday, February 17, 1875. No Chinese women.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It is May 12, 1968.


It is May 12, 1968.

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 77th Edition. Inside Trump's very tiny window on the world.

We’re going to be selling a gold card. You have a green card. This is a gold card. We’re going to be putting a price on that card of about $5 million and that’s going to give you green card privileges, plus it’s going to be a route to citizenship. Wealthy people will be coming into our country by buying this card. They’ll be wealthy, and they’ll be successful, and they’ll be spending a lot of money and paying a lot of taxes and employing a lot of people, and we think it’s going to be extremely successful.

Trump, who frankly gives no signs of being smart, but who is wealthy, simply sees everything in monetary terms.

That's it.

It really raises questions about what his personal life and the lives of those around him must be like.

How pathetic.

Last edition:

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 76th Edition. Keeping them in the sky, with measles, and down on the metaphorical farm.

Monday, February 26, 1945. Syria declares war. US coal curfew.

Syria declared war on the Axis powers.

Fighting ended on Corregidor.

The British Indian 17th Division took Tahlaing and the Thabuktong airfield.

A midnight curfew on bars, nightclubs and all other places of entertainment went into effect in the US in order to save coal.

USAAF Gen. Millard Fillmore Harmon Jr. and Brig. Gen. James Roy Andersen disappeared in an aircraft over the Pacific.

"With the gun crew riding on top, a tank destroyer chassis tows a huge Seventh Army 8-inch rifle through a French town, on the way to the front. 26 February, 1945. Monnenheim, France.  575th Field Artillery Battalion, 35th Field Artillery Group."

"Crosses are erected over Protestant and Catholic graves, the Star of David over those of the Jewish faith, in this U.S. military cemetery somewhere in the European Theater of Operations. 26 February, 1945. Foy, Belgium. Photographer: T/5 Billy Newhouse."

The USAAF bombs Berlin heavily.

Last edition:

Sunday, February 25, 1945. Smoke in the village.

Thursday, February 26, 1925. Glacier Bay.

The Wahhabi raided into Transjordan.

President Coolidge established the boundaries of Glacier Bay National Monument, which is now Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve.

Last edition:

Wednesday, February 25, 1925. Preventing cruelty.

Sunday, February 26, 1775 Salem Gunpowder Raid

The 64th British Regiment of the Line landed at Marblehead from Castle William in Boston Harbor and marched to Salem to search for military stores that where held there.  A standoff ensued and they withdrew upon agreement that nothing was found.

Last edition:

Wednesday, February 22, 1775. The Augusta Resolves.

Some Republicans begin to get clear eyed.

They convinced me in there. I'm a 'no.' If the Republican plan passes...we're going to add $328 billion to the deficit this year. We're going to add $295 billion to the deficit the year after that...why would I vote for that?!?

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie, Republican, on the Republican continuing budget resolution.

The dollars thrown around as being saved by Musk are largely fictional, if in fact is rampaging buffoonery doesn't end up costing the government money.  Only taxes are going to pull us out of this debt.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 76th Edition. Keeping them in the sky, with measles, and down on the metaphorical farm.

KEEP CALM AND FLY ON Experts say despite recent incidents, commercial flights are safe

No, Trump isn't responsible for this, but it is oddly synchronicitous that at the same time the Trump regime is attacking the government, aircraft keep crashing.

Again, it isn't his fault.  

But if Biden was President, you can be sure that Trump would blame him.


And a scary near miss incident today.

Measles outbreak surfaces in Texas Infection can lead to serious complications including pneumonia and blindness

Almost everyone was unvaccinated.

Gee, what a surprise.

Elsewhere, there's a claim, and its pretty unverified, that a FBI whistleblower has revealed that the Epstein files are being purged at the FBI.  MAGAs immediately leaped to the conclusion that this must be because they hold all sorts of dirty secrets about the Democrats and now the Q files will at last be revealed.

Funny, if that's happening, and I have no reason to believe it is, my assumption would be that after Patel taking over the FBI, if that's happening, it wouldn't be files about the Democrats they were seeking to hide. . . 

Trump, of course, was a frequent flyer on the Lolita Express and that brings up something that occured to me today while reading what the WFC is up to.  As noted in another thread, they've passed the "keep 'em ignorant bill" in the legislature, as they fear that the requirement to report to school districts with curriculum might reveal that some people's home school program is limited to a children's edition of the King James Bible.  This seems set to pass, and some must be lamenting that the WFC wasn't as strong in 2023, when the legislature had the temerity to outlaw child marriages.  Gosh, now that we're in the golden age we could have kept the children uneducated and pregnant, or at least the girl ones.

Who voted against outlawing child brides.  Here's who:  Dockstader, Baldwin, Kinsky, Hicks, Steinmetz, Biteman, Salazar, Ide, French, Kolb, Hutchings, McKeown, Allemand, Allred, Angelos, Banks, Bear, Davis, Haroldson, Heiner, Hornok, Jennings, Knapp, Locke, Neiman, Ottman, Pendergraft, Penn, Rodriguez-Williams, Singh, Slagle, Smith, Strock, Styvar, Tarver, Ward, Winter.

Some usual WFC suspects there.


Funny how quickly things develop.  Now both Democrats and Republicans are lobbying Pam Bondi to release the Epstein files, which she had stated were "on her desk".

And yet, they haven't been.

She had said she was waiting on a directive from King Donny, a buddy of the late procuror. 

Come on Pam. Release the info.

Last edition:

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 75th Edition. Dim Wit.

You know, insulting Canada and Canadians, as Trump has done, and slapping a tariff on Canada, as Trump has done, while tweeting about the need to finish the XL Pipeline, as Trump has done, is, well, really stupid.

It's like joining a PETA protest on McDonalds while waiting for your Big Mac in the drive through line.

Really stupid.

What do you think Canada is going to put in that pipeline now?

Sunday, February 25, 1945. Smoke in the village.

"Clouds of black smoke pour from a German oil refinery in Wehrden, Germany, after an attack by American P-47 planes turned it into a roaring holocaust. 25 February, 1945. Ludeweiler, Germany,  101st Cavalry Reconnaissance Group.:

American forces captured Düren.

GI's  ponder graffitti in Belgium celebrating the Red Army.  February 25, 1945.

The Marines experience heavy losses on Iwo Jima.

Radio Canada International was launched.

Last edition:

Saturday, February 24, 1945.