Week Three of the WFC Legislature.
Of interest, the Legislature is set to pass a bill that wipes out gun free zones, but allows school boards to make rules on carry for employees.
And its set to drop the concealed firearm permit age down to age 18.
The bills say nothing about 18 year olds with permits not being able to pack in schools.
What could go wrong?
A freshman member of the WFC is out for the duration due to heart surgery.
Senate File 128, “Repeal of sales tax on electricity,” failed to pass committee.
January 29, 2025
Guest Column: Protecting Private Property Rights -- A Core Wyoming Value
January 30, 2025
The Freedom Caucus controlled appropriations committee cut $235 million from Gov. Mark Gordon’s budges by cutting funds for wildfire recovery, energy projects, emergency funds for local governments and reimbursement rates for maternity and mental health care.
Now we know what matters to them, which isn't mental health, maternity health, nature, local emergencies, or things that don't have their origin in the Cretaceous, Paleocene, or Eocene, even though some of them would find those to be fibs.
The House Appropriations committee voted to not continue a bill that would have made most local races nonpartisan on Tuesday.
Secretary of State Chuck Gray — Wyoming’s chief election official — testified in opposition to the bill.
From the CST.
What a surprise. A bill expanding the democratic process and weakening political parties isn't something party members are going to support.
The people would, however. This would be a good candidate for an initiative.
The former head of the WFC actually cast a tie breaking vote that defeated a bill in committee that would have required local sheriff's offices to enforce Federal immigration laws.
That's surprising.
At the same time that the legislature decided that there was no money for a bunch of things the House decided to dole it out to parents who want their children to attend private schools.
Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act.
Sponsored by: Representative(s) Andrew, Angelos, Bear, Brady, Brown, G, Filer, Haroldson, Heiner, Hoeft, Knapp, Lien, Lucas, McCann, Neiman, Ottman, Riggins, Rodriguez-Williams, Singh, Smith, S, Webb, Webber, Wharff and Winter and Senator(s) Biteman, Boner, Brennan, Kolb, Laursen, D, Olsen, Pearson, Scott, Smith, D and Steinmetz
AN ACT relating to education; modifying the education savings accounts program; changing the name of the program to the Wyoming freedom scholarship act; creating the Wyoming freedom scholarship program account; modifying distribution of state funds; modifying definitions; increasing the maximum scholarship award; modifying eligibility requirements; repealing provisions; providing appropriations; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
Section 1. W.S. 9‑4‑601(a)(ii) is amended to read:
9‑4‑601. Distribution and use; funds, accounts, cities and towns benefited; exception for bonus payments.
(a) All monies received by the state of Wyoming from the secretary of the treasury of the United States under the provisions of the act of congress of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 437, 450; 30 U.S.C. 181, 191), as amended, or from lessees or authorized mine operators and all monies received by the state from its sale of production from federal mineral leases subject to the act of congress of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 437, 450; 30 U.S.C. 181, 191) as amended, except as provided by subsection (b) of this section, shall be deposited into an account and the first two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000.00) of revenues received in any fiscal year shall be distributed by the state treasurer as provided in this subsection. One percent (1%) of these revenues shall be credited to the general fund as an administrative fee, and the remainder shall be distributed as follows:
(ii) Forty‑seven and one‑half percent (47.5%), to the public school foundation program account subject to allocations under W.S. 9‑4‑605 as follows:
(A) Fifty‑two and eight‑tenths percent (52.8%) of the amount under this paragraph to the public school foundation program account; and
(B) Forty‑seven and two‑tenths percent (47.2%) of the amount under this paragraph to the Wyoming freedom scholarship program account created by W.S. 21‑2‑903(b).
Section 2. W.S. 21‑2‑901, 21‑2‑902(a)(vii), 21‑2‑903(a), (b), by creating a new subsection (c), by amending and renumbering (c) as (d) and by creating a new subsection (e), 21‑2‑904(a)(intro), (b)(i)(J), by creating a new subparagraph (Q), (ii) and (e), 21‑2‑905(e) and (f)(intro), 21‑2‑906(a)(i), (iv), (ix), (xi), (xii), by creating a new paragraph (xiii) and by creating new subsections (d) and (e) and 21‑2‑909, as amended by 2024 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 108, Section 1 and effective January 1, 2025, are amended to read:
21‑2‑901. Short title.
This act shall be known as the "Wyoming Education Savings Accounts Freedom Scholarship Act." The program created by this act shall be known as the "ESA program."
21‑2‑902. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(vii) "Qualified school" means a pre‑kindergarten or a nonpublic primary or secondary school, certified by the state superintendent of public instruction pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑906(a), located in or that provides education services in this state, that may include through online means;
21‑2‑903. Education savings accounts; Wyoming freedom scholarship program account.
(a) For school year 2025‑2026, the total amount to be deposited in an education savings account for an ESA student each year shall be determined by the student's household income compared to the federal poverty levels, using the most recent federal poverty guidelines for the student's household size and income, as follows; six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) for students whose household income is at or below one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the federal poverty level seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00).
(b) Payments to ESAs under this act shall be made by the state superintendent of public instruction from the Wyoming education savings accounts expenditure freedom scholarship program account, which is hereby created. The Wyoming education savings accounts expenditure freedom scholarship program account shall consist of funds transferred to the expenditure account and other funds appropriated by the legislature to the expenditure account. All earnings from investment of the expenditure Wyoming freedom scholarship program account shall be credited to the expenditure account. Except as provided by subsection (c) of this section, any unencumbered, unobligated balance of the expenditure Wyoming freedom scholarship program account at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert but shall remain in the expenditure account and shall be expended to fund ESAs as provided by this act.
(c) If at the end of a fiscal year the state superintendent determines the amount in the Wyoming freedom scholarship program account is more than thirty million dollars ($30,000,000.00) and is more than one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of the amount required to fund all approved ESAs for the applicable fiscal year, the state superintendent shall request the state treasurer transfer the excess amount determined under this subsection to the public school foundation program account.
(c)(d) Payments to each approved ESA shall be disbursed on a quarterly basis by the state superintendent or another state agency or person designated by the state superintendent to administer and disburse funds to education savings accounts.
(e) The ESA program shall not be funded with county, city or school district tax revenues.
21‑2‑904. ESA parent agreement; ESA administration.
(a) Subject to the availability of funds as determined by the legislature, any child who is a Wyoming resident, who meets one (1) of the following qualifications, and subject to W.S. 21‑2‑903(a) has not graduated from high school or received a high school equivalency certificate and who is eligible to attend a public school in this state, shall be eligible to receive an ESA subject to the provisions of this act.:
(b) To participate in the ESA program, the custodial parent of an ESA student shall sign an agreement with the state superintendent that:
(i) Requires use of the ESA funds for the following qualifying expenses to educate the ESA student:
(J) Tuition and fees for summer education programs and specialized after school education programs, but not including after school childcare programs;
(Q) Tuition and fees for nongovernmental online learning programs.
(ii) For students eligible for an ESA under paragraph (a)(i) of this section:
(A) Requires that the ESA student receive instruction in, at minimum, reading, writing, mathematics, civics, including studies of the United States constitution and the constitution of the state of Wyoming, history, literature and science and is assessed on academic progress. No parent shall be required to include any instruction that conflicts with the parent's or the ESA student's religious doctrines;
(B) Requires that the ESA student take the statewide assessments administered pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑304(a) or a nationally normed achievement exam;
(C)(iii) Certifies that the ESA student is not, or will not be, enrolled in a public school district upon receipt of the ESA and releases the applicable school district from all obligations to educate the ESA student. This subparagraph paragraph shall not:
(I)(A) Require an eligible student to withdraw from a public school district before applying for or receiving an ESA if the student withdraws from the public school district before receiving or expending any monies in the student's ESA;
(II)(B) Prevent a qualified student from applying in advance for an ESA student to be funded beginning the following school year; or
(III)(C) Prevent a public school district from charging an ESA for any services provided to the qualified student to the extent authorized by law.
(e) An ESA shall remain active and any unused funds shall not revert until the parent withdraws the ESA student from the ESA program or until the ESA student is no longer eligible for the ESA program, unless the ESA is closed because of a substantial misuse of funds. When an ESA is closed, any unused funds shall revert to the Wyoming education savings accounts expenditure freedom scholarship program account.
21‑2‑905. Application.
(e) Except as provided under this subsection, eighty percent (80%) of the ESAs shall be awarded to students eligible pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑904(a)(i) and the remaining twenty percent (20%) shall be awarded to students eligible pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑904(a)(ii) each year. Any funds allocated under this subsection for the award of ESAs to students eligible pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑904(a)(ii) that are not awarded in any school year may be awarded to students eligible pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑904(a)(i). If the number of applications for ESAs exceeds the available funds for any school year, the students shall be selected on a first‑come, first‑served basis, except preference shall be given to the following students:
(i) An eligible student who received funds under the ESA program in the immediately preceding school year;. or
(ii) A sibling of an eligible student who:
(A) Receives scholarship funds from an ESA at the time the sibling applied for an ESA; or
(B) Received an ESA in the school year immediately preceding the school year in which the sibling applies for an ESA.
(f) For students eligible for receiving an ESA, under W.S. 21‑2‑904(a)(i), the following shall apply:
21‑2‑906. Duties of the state superintendent.
(a) The state superintendent of public instruction shall:
(i) Establish a certification process for education service providers, which shall, at minimum, ensure ESA students attending qualified schools in kindergarten through grade twelve (12) receive instruction in reading, writing, mathematics, civics, including studies of the United States constitution and the constitution of the state of Wyoming, history, literature and science; and for pre‑kindergarten ensure ESA students at minimum receive instruction necessary for preparation to enter kindergarten;
(iv) For students eligible for an ESA under W.S. 21‑2‑904(a)(i), Ensure that parents of ESA students with disabilities receive notice that participation in the ESA program is a parental placement under 20 U.S.C. § 1412, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), along with an explanation of the rights that parentally placed students possess under IDEA and any applicable state laws and regulations;
(ix) Investigate reports of intentional and substantial misuse of ESA funds and prohibit an eligible ESA student from receipt of ESA funds if the state superintendent determines that the ESA student or ESA student's parent intentionally and substantially misused ESA funds. The state superintendent shall by rule create procedures to ensure that a fair process exists to determine whether an intentional and substantial misuse of ESA funds has occurred. If an ESA student is free from personal misconduct, that student shall be eligible for an ESA in the future if placed with a different parent or other person with the legal authority to act on behalf of the student. The state superintendent shall have the authority to refer suspected cases of intentional and substantial misuse of ESA funds to the department of audit or to law enforcement and the attorney general for investigation and prosecution if evidence of fraudulent use of ESA funds is obtained. A parent or ESA student may appeal a final decision of the state superintendent to make the parent or ESA student ineligible for the ESA program as provided by the Wyoming Administrative Procedures Act;
(xi) Notify parents and ESA students within ten (10) business days if the state superintendent prohibits By rule create procedures to ensure that a fair process exists to determine whether an education service provider should be prohibited from receiving ESA funds under paragraph (x) of this subsection. Education service providers may appeal a final decision of the state superintendent under this paragraph as provided by the Wyoming Administrative Procedures Act;
(xii) For students eligible for an ESA under W.S. 21‑2‑904(a)(i), Ensure ESA students, who choose to, participate in the statewide assessments administered pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑304(a) and compile the assessment results to analyze student proficiency and academic progress among the students participating in the ESA program, including an analysis of graduation rates, proficiency and progress based on grade level. The results of the analysis under this paragraph shall be included in the annual report required pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑204(k);.
(xiii) If the state superintendent determines it is necessary, withhold from the funds to be deposited in ESAs, a maximum of five percent (5%) annually of the funds to be deposited in ESAs in the first two (2) school years of the ESA program and a maximum of three percent (3%) annually of the funds to be deposited in ESAs thereafter to pay for the costs of administering the ESA program.
(d) Rules adopted by the state superintendent under subsection (c) of this section shall focus on simplifying parental access to the program and encouraging educational service providers to provide parents and ESA students with a broad array of educational options.
(e) The state superintendent may accept gifts and grants from any source to cover administrative costs of the program, to inform the public about the ESA program or to fund ESAs.
21‑2‑909. Legal proceedings.
(a) No liability shall arise on the part of the state superintendent of public instruction or the state or any public school or school district based on the award of or use of an ESA pursuant to this act.
(b) In any legal proceeding challenging the application of this act or rule adopted under this act to an education service provider, the state bears the burden of proof to establish that the law is necessary and does not impose any undue burden on the education service provider.
(c) If any part of this act is challenged in a state court as violating either the state or federal constitutions, parents of eligible students and parents of ESA students shall be permitted to intervene in any lawsuit for the purposes of defending the ESA program's constitutionality. However, for the purposes of judicial administration, a court may require that all parents file a joint brief as long as the parents are not required to join any brief filed on behalf of any named state defendant.
(d) If any provision of this act or its application to an individual or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are severable.
Section 3. W.S. 21‑2‑902(a)(vi) and 21‑2‑904(a)(i), (ii) and (b)(ii)(B) are repealed.
Section 4. 2024 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 108, Section 3 and Section 6(c) is repealed.
Section 5. There is appropriated thirty million dollars ($30,000,000.00) from the general fund to the Wyoming freedom scholarship program account created by section 2 of this act for the purposes of the Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act.
Section 6. This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.
| 1 | HB0199 |
February 1, 2028
So week three is over, and it isn't really the case that any bill has actually passed into low, in spite of what the WFC said about its 5&10 bills.
I'll note that there is a bill tracker on the Dishonor Wyoming website, the website aligned with the WFC, it's easy to use and has a friendly cowboy motif disguising the fact that a more accurate one would be some other sort of deep South figure.
Anyhow, it's here:
Bill | Catch Title | Sponsor | Last Action | Last Action Date |
HB0001 | General government appropriations-2. | Appropriations | H Introduced and Referred to HCOW | 01/30/2025 |
HB0002 | Hunting license application fees increase. | Travel | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/16/2025 |
HB0003 | Animal abuse-predatory animals. | Travel | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/16/2025 |
HB0004 | Snowmobile registration and user fees. | Travel | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0005 | Fishing outfitters and guides-registration of fishing boats. | Travel | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0006 | Advance health care directives-dementia. | Larsen, L | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0007 | K-12 post secondary education options. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0008 | School finance-average daily membership. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0009 | Young entrepreneurs-limiting license requirements. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0010 | Limited mining operations-amendments. | Minerals | H COW:Failed 17-39-5-0-1 | 01/28/2025 |
HB0011 | Manufacturing sales and use tax exemption-amendments. | Minerals | S Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
HB0012 | Industrial production equipment-deferral. | Minerals | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/27/2025 |
HB0013 | Integrated test center-governance. | Minerals | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0014 | Solid waste municipal cease and transfer funding. | Minerals | S Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0015 | Limited mining operations-bonding amendments. | Minerals | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/17/2025 |
HB0016 | Used nuclear fuel storage-amendments. | Minerals | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/20/2025 |
HB0017 | Career technical education equipment grants amendments. | Education | S Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0018 | Career technical education funding. | Education | S Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
HB0019 | Social media-parental consent for minors required. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0020 | K-12 school facility leasing. | Sel Sch Fac | H 3rd Reading:Passed 38-23-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0021 | School finance-routine maintenance worker calculation. | Sel Sch Fac | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/27/2025 |
HB0022 | Water and wastewater operator-emergency response. | Campbell, E | S Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
HB0023 | Surrender driver's license-repeal. | Transportation | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0024 | Alternative fuel tax-electricity amendments. | Transportation | H Placed on General File | 01/23/2025 |
HB0025 | Vehicle accident reporting-amendments. | Transportation | S Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0026 | Highway safety-child restraints. | Transportation | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0027 | Disabled parking windshield placards-revisions. | Transportation | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0028 | Commercial driver's licenses-revisions. | Transportation | H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-1-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0029 | Severance tax distribution-highway fund. | Transportation | H08 - Transportation:Do Pass Failed 2-7-0-0-0 | 01/16/2025 |
HB0030 | Driver's licenses and IDs-revisions. | Transportation | S Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0031 | School safety and security. | Pendergraft | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0032 | What is a Woman Act. | Lien | S Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0033 | Vehicle sales and use tax distribution-highway fund. | Transportation | H 3rd Reading:Passed 48-13-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0034 | Department of transportation-efficiency study. | Transportation | H02 - Appropriations:Do Pass Failed 2-5-0-0-0 | 01/29/2025 |
HB0035 | Vacancies in elected office. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0036 | Hathaway scholarship-amendments. | Harshman | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0037 | Expulsion for possession of a deadly weapon. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0038 | Ad valorem taxation-payment and credit of penalties. | Revenue | H 3rd Reading:Passed 60-1-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0039 | Property tax refund program-revisions. | Revenue | S Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0040 | Sales and use tax revisions. | Revenue | H 3rd Reading:Passed 61-0-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0041 | Environmental quality-irrevocable letters of credit. | Lawley | S Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0042 | Regulation of surgical abortions. | Lawley | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0043 | Age verification for websites with harmful material. | Lawley | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0044 | Loren "Teense" Willford Memorial Highway. | Davis | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0045 | Removing otters as protected animals. | Byron | S Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0046 | Homeschool freedom act. | Strock | S Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
HB0047 | Secretary of state-expedited filings. | BlockChain/Technology | S Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
HB0048 | Department of family services-confidentiality amendments. | Judiciary | H01 - Judiciary:Do Pass Failed 4-5-0-0-0 | 01/15/2025 |
HB0049 | Treatment courts-amendments. | Judiciary | H01 - Judiciary:Do Pass Failed 4-5-0-0-0 | 01/15/2025 |
HB0050 | Disclosure of sensitive information-law enforcement. | Judiciary | H COW:Failed 21-36-5-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
HB0051 | Municipal courts-maximum penalties. | Judiciary | H COW:Failed 21-38-3-0-0 | 01/22/2025 |
HB0052 | State's right of appeal in criminal cases. | Judiciary | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/17/2025 |
HB0053 | Governmental claims-negligent investigations. | Judiciary | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/17/2025 |
HB0054 | Chancery court judges-district and circuit court assistance. | Judiciary | H 2nd Reading:Laid Back | 01/31/2025 |
HB0055 | Court automation fee-amendments. | Judiciary | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0056 | Cities and towns notice for zoning changes-amendments. | Filer | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0057 | Fireworks on the 4th of July. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0058 | State lands-notice for mineral leases. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0059 | Limited mining operations-water quality testing. | Harshman | H Placed on General File | 01/27/2025 |
HB0060 | Student eligibility in sports-amendments. | Lawley | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0061 | State land lease preference amendments. | Banks | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0062 | Prostitution amendments. | Heiner | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0063 | Working animal protection act. | Rodriguez-Williams | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0064 | Chemical abortions-ultrasound requirement. | Neiman | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0065 | Executive orders repository. | Corporations | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/30/2025 |
HB0066 | Cities and towns-abandoned and nuisance properties. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0067 | Wyoming Community Development Authority-bond investment. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0068 | Tax increment financing. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0069 | Foreign adversary ownership or control of business entities. | Corporations | H 3rd Reading:Passed 61-0-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0070 | Irrigation districts-bid requirements. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0071 | Insurance fraud reporting. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0072 | Protecting women's privacy in public spaces act. | Lawley | H Placed on General File | 01/24/2025 |
HB0073 | Recreation safety-rock climbing. | Larsen, L | S Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0074 | County clerks-frivolous filings procedure. | Larsen, L | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0075 | Coal severance tax rate. | Clouston | H 3rd Reading:Passed 57-4-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0076 | Prior authorization-amendments. | Brown, L | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/15/2025 |
HB0077 | Ride-share drivers-Wyoming registration required. | Styvar | H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation | 01/27/2025 |
HB0078 | Newborn safety device funding for safe haven providers. | Rodriguez-Williams | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0079 | Bond elections-voter threshold requirement. | Styvar | S Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0080 | Stop ESG-State funds fiduciary duty act. | Knapp | S Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
HB0081 | Regulatory reduction-mortgage loan originator licensing. | Yin | H Placed on General File | 01/27/2025 |
HB0082 | Provider enrollment-standards. | Labor | S Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0083 | Child custody-sex offense conviction presumption. | Pendergraft | H Placed on General File | 01/24/2025 |
HB0084 | Pari-mutuel wagering-breakage. | Appropriations | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0085 | Local approval for simulcasting. | Appropriations | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/23/2025 |
HB0086 | Public property and buildings-amendments. | Appropriations | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0087 | Consolidation of gaming. | Appropriations | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0088 | Multi-family dwelling single stairwell exits. | Appropriations | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0089 | Wind turbine blades-onsite disposal required. | Riggins | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/14/2025 |
HB0090 | Anthrax outbreak protocol. | Davis | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/29/2025 |
HB0091 | Eminent domain energy collector systems amendments. | Agriculture | H 3rd Reading:Failed 27-33-2-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
HB0092 | Wyoming livestock board-memorandums of understanding. | Agriculture | S Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0093 | Protect Wyoming's Lands Act. | Agriculture | H 3rd Reading:Passed 57-4-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0094 | Charter school authorizations-amendments. | Andrew | S Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
HB0095 | School generational account. | Cap Fin & Inv | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/27/2025 |
HB0096 | Prohibiting mask, vaccine and testing discrimination. | McCann | S Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
HB0097 | Property conveyances near critical infrastructure. | Appropriations | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0098 | Property tax exemption for long-term homeowners-extension. | Byron | H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue | 01/27/2025 |
HB0099 | Access to public lands-corner crossing. | Provenza | H Received for Introduction | 01/02/2025 |
HB0100 | K-12 uncertified personnel. | Andrew | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/24/2025 |
HB0101 | Forest health grant program-3. | Water | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/31/2025 |
HB0102 | Attorney general-elected. | Heiner | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/31/2025 |
HB0103 | Columbarium regulation. | Sherwood | S Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0104 | Child tax credit. | Yin | H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue | 01/27/2025 |
HB0105 | Breach orders due process. | Water | H Received for Introduction | 01/06/2025 |
HB0106 | Monument to America. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/06/2025 |
HB0107 | Wyoming generational investment account. | Harshman | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/23/2025 |
HB0108 | Firearm purchase protections. | Allemand | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/16/2025 |
HB0109 | Trespassing-suspend hunting license. | Allemand | :Recalled from Committee Pursuant to House Rule 5-6: 54-7-1-0-0 | 01/29/2025 |
HB0110 | Trapping licenses-nonresident reciprocal licenses. | Davis | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/27/2025 |
HB0111 | Hit and run-responsibility and penalties. | Smith, S | H Received for Introduction | 01/06/2025 |
HB0112 | Industrial siting projects-county commissioner approval. | Smith, S | H Received for Introduction | 01/06/2025 |
HB0113 | Insurance payments-not taxable. | Smith, S | H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue | 01/27/2025 |
HB0114 | Protecting religious assembly in states of emergency act. | Smith, S | H Received for Introduction | 01/06/2025 |
HB0115 | Medical Ethics Defense Act. | Ottman | H Received for Introduction | 01/06/2025 |
HB0116 | Driver's licenses-unauthorized alien restrictions. | Ottman | S Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
HB0117 | Omnibus water bill-construction. | Water | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/24/2025 |
HB0118 | Limitations on net land gains for the federal government. | Banks | S Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
HB0119 | Minimum easement standards. | Banks | H Received for Introduction | 01/07/2025 |
HB0120 | Administrative procedure-jury trial for penalties. | Strock | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/31/2025 |
HB0121 | Hospital pricing transparency. | Singh | S Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0122 | Senior citizen service districts-authorization and renewal. | Connolly | S Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0123 | Adverse possession-property tax payment defense. | Neiman | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0124 | Reduction in taxation act. | Filer | H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue | 01/27/2025 |
HB0125 | Repeal-unauthorized use of vehicle crime. | Washut | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/22/2025 |
HB0126 | Sales tax on services-repeal. | Filer | H03 - Revenue:Do Pass Failed 2-6-1-0-0 | 01/23/2025 |
HB0127 | Domestic violence protection orders-affirmative defense. | Styvar | H Received for Introduction | 01/09/2025 |
HB0128 | Public health emergency-definition amendments. | Lucas | H Received for Introduction | 01/09/2025 |
HB0129 | School finance-dates for fund transfers. | Larson, JT | H 3rd Reading:Passed 61-0-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HB0130 | Homeowner tax exemption-amendments. | Heiner | H Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue | 01/22/2025 |
HB0131 | Ballot drop boxes-prohibition. | Knapp | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0132 | Annual permits for specified commercial loads. | Smith, S | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0133 | Sanctuary cities, counties and state-prohibition. | Guggenmos | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0134 | Taxpayer funds-sexually explicit events prohibited-2. | Guggenmos | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/31/2025 |
HB0135 | Autologous or direct blood donations. | Gugge Received for Introductionnmos | S | 01/30/2025 |
HB0136 | Volunteer first responder health insurance-revisions. | Byron | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/29/2025 |
HB0137 | Revisor's bill. | Mgt Council | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0138 | Wyoming gaming commission amendments. | Appropriations | H Received for Introduction | 01/10/2025 |
HB0139 | Interstate export of Wyoming horseracing. | Appropriations | H Received for Introduction | 01/10/2025 |
HB0140 | Continuity of Permitting Act. | Filer | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/31/2025 |
HB0141 | Health mandates-CDC and WHO jurisdiction in Wyoming. | Lucas | H Received for Introduction | 01/10/2025 |
HB0142 | Supplemental K-12 school facilities appropriations. | Sel Sch Fac | H Received for Introduction | 01/10/2025 |
HB0143 | LaPrele dam rebuilding. | Yin | H Placed on General File | 01/28/2025 |
HB0144 | County canvassing board. | Neiman | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/30/2025 |
HB0145 | Absentee ballot return-required information. | Smith, S | H Received for Introduction | 01/13/2025 |
HB0146 | Animal estray penalty-amendments. | Neiman | H Received for Introduction | 01/13/2025 |
HB0147 | Prohibition of institutional discrimination. | Rodriguez-Williams | S Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0148 | University of Wyoming governance-elected trustees. | Rodriguez-Williams | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0149 | Adoption discrimination-keep kids first act. | Rodriguez-Williams | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/30/2025 |
HB0150 | Meat processors-composted materials. | Andrew | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/28/2025 |
HB0151 | Predator management district appointments and terms. | Lien | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/31/2025 |
HB0152 | Donated blood-mRNA disclosure. | McCann | H Received for Introduction | 01/14/2025 |
HB0153 | Permanent vehicle registration. | Banks | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0154 | False voting-amendments. | Brady | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0155 | Workplace violence in health care. | Brown, L | H Received for Introduction | 01/14/2025 |
HB0156 | Proof of voter residency-registration qualifications. | Bear | S Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0157 | Proof of voter citizenship. | Bear | S Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0158 | Legislature-electronic voting system. | Bear | H Received for Introduction | 01/14/2025 |
HB0159 | Protecting water from chemical abortion waste. | Bear | H Placed on General File | 01/24/2025 |
HB0160 | Voter identification-revisions. | Tarver | S Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0161 | Hydrogen severance tax. | Tarver | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/20/2025 |
HB0162 | Interactive gaming. | Davis | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/20/2025 |
HB0163 | Prohibiting employment of unauthorized aliens. | Brown, G | H Received for Introduction | 01/14/2025 |
HB0164 | Medical prescriptions-off-label purposes. | Brown, G | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0165 | Ranked choice voting-prohibition. | Webb | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/30/2025 |
HB0166 | State auditor payment transparency. | Bratten | H Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
HB0167 | Local government reporting. | Bratten | H Received for Introduction | 01/14/2025 |
HB0168 | Cultivated meat-prohibition. | Eklund | H 2nd Reading:Laid Back | 01/31/2025 |
HB0169 | Homeowner tax exemption-2025 and 2026. | Locke | S Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
HB0170 | Nonprofit and trust entities-effective time for documents. | Lawley | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/27/2025 |
HB0171 | Sexual exploitation of children-amendments. | Strock | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/31/2025 |
HB0172 | Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments. | Haroldson | S Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
HB0173 | Independent candidate requirements. | Haroldson | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0174 | Carrying of concealed weapons-age requirement. | Haroldson | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/23/2025 |
HB0175 | Wyoming veterans museum capital construction. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/14/2025 |
HB0176 | Vacancies in public office-amendments. | Bratten | H Received for Introduction | 01/14/2025 |
HB0177 | Statutory standing committee-federal review. | Wharff | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0178 | Work allowance for voting. | Sherwood | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0179 | Department of transportation-land transfer. | Larsen, L | H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation | 01/23/2025 |
HB0180 | K-12 mental health program-3. | Larsen, L | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/31/2025 |
HB0181 | Funeral contracts-investment and bonding requirements. | Larsen, L | H Placed on General File | 01/28/2025 |
HB0182 | Elections-prohibiting use of secondary address. | Brown, G | H Received for Introduction | 01/15/2025 |
HB0183 | Net metering amendments. | Heiner | H Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
HB0184 | Utilities-point of consumption and allocation agreements. | Williams | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/20/2025 |
HB0185 | Video recording of legislative meetings. | Lucas | H Received for Introduction | 01/15/2025 |
HB0186 | Bear coupons-game and fish. | Wharff | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0187 | Theft amendments. | Wasserburger | H Received for Introduction | 01/15/2025 |
HB0188 | Two families-one nanny. | Yin | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0189 | Harmful communication-minors. | Lien | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0190 | Bond election language process. | Lien | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/28/2025 |
HB0191 | Civil penalties for cannabis. | Provenza | H Received for Introduction | 01/15/2025 |
HB0192 | Public utilities-wildfire mitigation and liability limits. | Larson, JT | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/21/2025 |
HB0193 | Real property-severance of pore space-notice. | Brown, L | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/20/2025 |
HB0194 | Obscenity amendments. | Lucas | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/21/2025 |
HB0195 | Credit reporting-medical debt. | Provenza | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/21/2025 |
HB0196 | Ballot initiatives-duplicate laws passed. | Lien | H Received for Introduction | 01/16/2025 |
HB0197 | Limits on property development exaction and mitigation fees. | Davis | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/21/2025 |
HB0198 | Education savings accounts-income qualifications. | Clouston | H Received for Introduction | 01/16/2025 |
HB0199 | Wyoming Freedom Scholarship Act. | Andrew | S Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0200 | Parent rights-amendments. | Webb | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/21/2025 |
HB0201 | State funds-investment in Bitcoin. | Wasserburger | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/22/2025 |
HB0202 | Fast Track Permits Act. | Filer | H Placed on General File | 01/27/2025 |
HB0203 | By the people act. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/16/2025 |
HB0204 | Nonresident fishing license fee increase. | Byron | H Placed on General File | 01/23/2025 |
HB0205 | Wyoming state fair department. | Strock | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0206 | Elections-acceptable identification revisions-2. | Webber | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0207 | Religious Freedom Restoration Act. | Washut | S Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0208 | Atmospheric geoengineering prohibition. | Tarver | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/21/2025 |
HB0209 | Reliable and dispatchable low-carbon standards-repeal. | Knapp | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/20/2025 |
HB0210 | Prohibition on unauthorized fees-veterans benefits. | Knapp | H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation | 01/27/2025 |
HB0211 | Hunting wildlife from vehicles. | Allemand | H Placed on General File | 01/28/2025 |
HB0212 | Local sales and use tax amendments. | Allemand | H Received for Introduction | 01/16/2025 |
HB0213 | Owners and owners' agents duties to tenants-amendments. | Chestek | H Received for Introduction | 01/17/2025 |
HB0214 | Local government payments-electronic payments. | Thayer | S Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0215 | Prohibition on electronic voting equipment. | Smith, S | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/20/2025 |
HB0216 | Prohibition on gas chamber euthanasia of animals. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/17/2025 |
HB0217 | Random hand count audits of election results. | Lucas | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/28/2025 |
HB0218 | Public utilities-stays during resolution of lawsuits. | Locke | H Placed on General File | 01/28/2025 |
HB0219 | County and municipal roads on state lands-easements granted. | Locke | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/24/2025 |
HB0220 | Conservation easements-amendments. | Ottman | H Received for Introduction | 01/17/2025 |
HB0221 | Bighorn and domestic sheep relocation-effective date repeal. | Ottman | H 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
HB0222 | Medical Ethics Defense Act-2. | Ottman | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/27/2025 |
HB0223 | Preventing strategic lawsuits against public participation. | Ottman | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/20/2025 |
HB0224 | Prohibiting foreign adversary property ownership. | Banks | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/29/2025 |
HB0225 | Parking during legislative meetings. | Brown, L | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0226 | License plate-search and rescue council. | Campbell, K | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0227 | Executive order-time limitations. | Angelos | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0228 | Prohibition on private funds for conducting elections. | Knapp | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/28/2025 |
HB0229 | High Plains Research Station and Arboretum-historic site. | Nicholas | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/23/2025 |
HB0230 | Wyoming interstate study and safe highways investment act. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/17/2025 |
HB0231 | Medical education funding. | Larsen, L | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/21/2025 |
HB0232 | Elections-hand counting for recounts. | Haroldson | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0233 | Natural resource litigation funding. | Larsen, L | H Received for Introduction | 01/17/2025 |
HB0234 | Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act amendments. | Allemand | H Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
HB0235 | Career technical education equipment and supplies. | Andrew | H Placed on General File | 01/23/2025 |
HB0236 | County officials-nonpartisan elections. | Chestek | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/27/2025 |
HB0237 | License plate issuance. | Wylie | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0238 | Ballot harvesting prohibition. | Johnson | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0239 | Reproductive Freedom Act. | Yin | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0240 | Appointment of acting secretary of state-repeal. | Johnson | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0241 | Telehealth Freedom Act. | Smith, S | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0242 | Manufacturers and dealers of new trailers-changes. | Tarver | H Placed on General File | 01/28/2025 |
HB0243 | Denturist practice act. | Winter | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/31/2025 |
HB0244 | Carbon dioxide pipelines-eminent domain prohibition. | Winter | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/22/2025 |
HB0245 | Pen and paper ballots. | Knapp | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0246 | Wyoming Wednesday. | Styvar | H Placed on General File | 01/28/2025 |
HB0247 | Annexation requirements. | Styvar | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0248 | School foundation program interim budget authority. | Bear | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0249 | Runoff elections. | Neiman | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/27/2025 |
HB0250 | Defining life and the rights of natural persons. | Neiman | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/29/2025 |
HB0251 | Trespass by drone. | Neiman | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/30/2025 |
HB0252 | Wind tax exemption-repeal. | Johnson | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0253 | Construction lien revisions. | Wylie | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
HB0254 | Microphones in the house of representatives. | Larson, JT | H Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0255 | Mobile home certificate-information disclosure requirement. | Singh | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/31/2025 |
HB0256 | Select Committee on Blockchain and Emerging Technologies-1. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0257 | Barber apprenticeships. | Singh | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/31/2025 |
HB0258 | State funded capital construction. | HAppropriations | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HB0259 | Supplemental K-12 school facilities appropriations-2. | HAppropriations | S Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0260 | Criminal accountability grant program. | Washut | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/27/2025 |
HB0261 | Accessory after the fact-amendments. | Washut | H Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0262 | Counties-limitations on holding reserves. | Johnson | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/22/2025 |
HB0263 | Local water system funding. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0264 | Central bank digital currencies-prohibitions. | Singh | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/30/2025 |
HB0265 | Defend the guard act. | Singh | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0266 | Food truck licensing-statewide application. | Larson, JT | H Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0267 | Regulation of hemp. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0268 | People's parking act. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HB0269 | Naturopathic medicine licensure. | McCann | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/23/2025 |
HB0270 | Permanent mineral trust fund-spending policy. | Bear | H 2nd Reading:Laid Back | 01/31/2025 |
HB0271 | Common school account-spending policy amount. | Bear | H 2nd Reading:Laid Back | 01/31/2025 |
HB0272 | Investment in Wyoming housing. | Sherwood | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
HB0273 | Wyoming pregnancy centers-autonomy and rights. | Rodriguez-Williams | H Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
HB0274 | Biological males in women's sports. | Rodriguez-Williams | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/23/2025 |
HB0275 | Treatment of animals. | Byron | H Placed on General File | 01/28/2025 |
HB0276 | State agreements to perform immigration functions. | Lawley | H02 - Appropriations:Do Pass Failed 3-4-0-0-0 | 01/24/2025 |
HB0277 | Capitol complex-hotel and conference center. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
HB0278 | Elections-voting machine and voting system tests. | Locke | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/29/2025 |
HB0279 | Property tax exemptions-order of application. | Nicholas | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0280 | Sex offender registration. | Knapp | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/29/2025 |
HB0281 | Landowner hunting coupons-hunts that harvest no animal. | Winter | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/24/2025 |
HB0282 | Property tax-acquisition value. | Locke | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0283 | Second Amendment Protection Act amendments-2. | Wharff | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
HB0284 | Required hospital services. | Provenza | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/30/2025 |
HB0285 | Pesticide warning labels. | Strock | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/28/2025 |
HB0286 | Mountain lion hunting season-changes. | Schmid | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/28/2025 |
HB0287 | Protecting self-defense-reimbursement and amendments. | Brown, G | H Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
HB0288 | Board of trustees-systems of public recreation amendments-2. | Lien | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HB0289 | Certificate of need repeal-3. | Geringer | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/30/2025 |
HB0290 | Property tax reduction and replacement act. | Harshman | H Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
HB0291 | Financial institution discrimination. | Bear | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0292 | Budget reserves-recommended appropriation amount. | Bear | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/30/2025 |
HB0293 | Repealing the school foundation program reserve account. | Bear | H Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
HB0294 | Federal mineral royalties-distribution amendments. | Bear | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
HB0295 | Invest in Wyoming act. | Bear | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0296 | Constitutional apportionment. | Neiman | H Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations | 01/30/2025 |
HB0297 | Fire suppression and restoration funding-2. | Connolly | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0298 | Centralized electronic notice system. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0299 | Online sports wagering amendments. | Posey | H Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel | 01/30/2025 |
HB0300 | Electrical generation tax. | Wylie | H Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals | 01/29/2025 |
HB0301 | Redistricting of the legislature. | Williams | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0302 | Governmental immunity for use of firearms. | Connolly | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0303 | Second Amendment Protection Act-amendments. | Pendergraft | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0304 | State lands-hunting and fishing on cultivated cropland. | Eklund | H Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture | 01/29/2025 |
HB0305 | County optional tax on solar energy production. | Lien | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
HB0306 | State employees-authorizing semimonthly pay periods. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
HB0307 | Poll watchers-polling station observation. | Pendergraft | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/28/2025 |
HB0308 | Cryptographic Frontiers Act. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0309 | Repeal of Medicaid birth cost bureaucracy. | Yin | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0310 | Trailer permanent registration-amendments. | Tarver | H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation | 01/30/2025 |
HB0311 | Exemption for transported fuel and power sales-amendments. | Locke | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0312 | Administrative rules-independent review and analysis. | Wasserburger | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0313 | Speed limits established by local authorities-amendments. | Schmid | H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation | 01/30/2025 |
HB0314 | Eminent domain study. | Winter | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0315 | K-12 public education reorganization. | Andrew | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0316 | School finance-model recalibration-2. | Mgt Council | H Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
HB0317 | Covering loads on Wyoming highways. | Locke | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0318 | Maintenance of voter lists. | Lucas | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0319 | Mining equipment sales and use tax exemption. | Knapp | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0320 | Taxation and Revenue Task Force 2028. | Storer | H Introduced and Referred to H02 - Appropriations | 01/30/2025 |
HB0321 | Election judge selection. | Lucas | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0322 | Secretary of state authority over counties. | Knapp | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
HB0323 | SNAP benefits-waiver request. | Wasserburger | H Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor | 01/29/2025 |
HB0324 | State elected officials-employees at will and regulations. | Andrew | H Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education | 01/29/2025 |
HB0325 | Industrial power consumption freedom act. | Filer | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0326 | Veterans' home of Wyoming capital construction-2. | Connolly | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0327 | Attorney general-control by state-wide elected officials. | Heiner | H Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary | 01/30/2025 |
HB0328 | Residential real property-taxable value-2. | Locke | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0329 | Office of homeland security amendments. | Bratten | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0330 | Probate code revisions-2. | Schmid | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0331 | Taking of predators on public lands. | Schmid | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0332 | Government membership and cooperation with associations. | Brady | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0333 | Federal acts-legal actions authorized-2. | Banks | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0334 | Instream flow amendments. | Storer | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0335 | Wyoming educational religious freedom act. | Brady | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0336 | Waiver of parental rights-financial responsibility. | Webber | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0337 | Prohibiting foreign funding of ballot measures. | Webber | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0338 | Disclosure of undelivered legislator emails. | Webber | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0339 | Homeowners associations-display of political campaign signs. | Webber | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0340 | State government-prohibition on federal funds. | Wharff | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
HB0341 | Summer nutrition assistance for children. | Larsen, L | H Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation | 01/31/2025 |
HJ0001 | Amending Wyoming's act of admission for earnings. | Cap Fin & Inv | H Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
HJ0002 | Foreign adversaries-prohibited property ownership. | Agriculture | H 3rd Reading:Passed 58-3-1-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
HJ0003 | Support for rural schools. | Sherwood | H Placed on General File | 01/22/2025 |
HJ0004 | Constitutional amendment-veterans property tax exemption. | Styvar | S Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
HJ0005 | China-misuse of United Nations resolution. | Singh | H Received for Introduction | 01/21/2025 |
HJ0006 | Election of judges and justices. | Schmid | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0001 | General government appropriations. | Appropriations | S Introduced and Referred to SCOW | 01/30/2025 |
SF0002 | Hunting licenses-weighted bonus points system. | Travel | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
SF0003 | Mule and whitetail deer-separate hunting seasons. | Travel | S 3rd Reading:Failed 12-19-0-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
SF0004 | State park peace officers-definition and scope of authority. | Travel | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0005 | School district vehicles-flashing lights authorized. | Cooper | H Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
SF0006 | Residential property-removal of unlawful occupant. | Judiciary | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0007 | Protection order amendments. | Judiciary | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0008 | Protection orders-effective during appeal or review. | Judiciary | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
SF0009 | Restoration of rights amendments. | Judiciary | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SF0010 | Settlement agreements for minors-parental authorization. | Judiciary | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
SF0011 | Use of fraudulent documents to wrongfully possess property. | Judiciary | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0012 | Permanent protection orders. | Judiciary | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/15/2025 |
SF0013 | Reading assessment and intervention amendments. | Education | H Received for Introduction | 01/17/2025 |
SF0014 | Wyoming imagination library program. | Education | S COW:Failed 6-23-2-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
SF0015 | Oil and gas conservation commission-regulation of pits. | Minerals | H Received for Introduction | 01/17/2025 |
SF0016 | Industrial siting-tribal notification. | Minerals | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
SF0017 | Carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery stimulus. | Minerals | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0018 | Enhanced oil recovery-severance tax exemption. | Minerals | S COW:Failed 9-22-0-0-0 | 01/27/2025 |
SF0019 | Impact assistance payments-maximum percentages and review. | Minerals | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
SF0020 | Oil and gas bonding-options and bonding pools. | Minerals | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
SF0021 | Ban on cell phone use in schools. | Schuler | S COW:Failed 7-21-3-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
SF0022 | Ground for termination of parental rights-guardianship. | Schuler | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/29/2025 |
SF0023 | Handicap placards-health care providers' approval. | Labor | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0024 | Special license plates for multipurpose vehicles. | Barlow | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SF0025 | Electronic lien and title system. | Transportation | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0026 | Protection of military equipment. | Transportation | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
SF0027 | Wyoming national guard member referral-amendments. | Transportation | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0028 | ROTC endowment program. | Transportation | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
SF0029 | Firearm hold agreement-limited liability. | Transportation | S COW:Failed 2-26-3-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
SF0030 | Wyoming's investment in veteran's mental health. | Transportation | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0031 | Boards and commissions veteran ex officio members. | Transportation | S COW:Failed 11-17-3-0-0 | 01/21/2025 |
SF0032 | Unpaved roads speed limits-amendments. | Transportation | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0033 | Noncitizen driver's license and ID card-revisions. | Transportation | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0034 | School finance-routine and major maintenance calculations. | Sel Sch Fac | H Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
SF0035 | Governmental claims-maximum liability amounts. | Judiciary | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/15/2025 |
SF0036 | Music therapy-use of title. | Labor | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
SF0037 | Enhanced concealed carry in school zones. | Cooper | S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture | 01/29/2025 |
SF0038 | Performance compensation-investment performance amendment. | Appropriations | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0039 | Automatic transfer of automobile title upon death. | Olsen | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0040 | Zoning protest petition-amendments. | Appropriations | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0041 | Federal acts-legal actions authorized. | Agriculture | S 3rd Reading:Failed 15-13-2-0-1 | 01/28/2025 |
SF0042 | Resort hotel liquor licenses. | Gierau | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0043 | Temporary water use agreements amendments. | Agriculture | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
SF0044 | Fairness in sports-intercollegiate athletics. | Schuler | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0045 | Wyoming state guard-amendments. | Laursen, D | S08 - Transportation:Do Pass Failed 2-3-0-0-0 | 01/28/2025 |
SF0046 | Water and sewer districts-bid requirements. | Landen | H Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
SF0047 | Board of trustees-systems of public recreation amendment. | Landen | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/22/2025 |
SF0048 | Business property exemption. | Revenue | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0049 | Tangible personal property-index and depreciation. | Revenue | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
SF0050 | Insurance holding company regulations-amendments. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/20/2025 |
SF0051 | Wyoming telecommunications act revisions. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SF0052 | Insurance amendments. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/17/2025 |
SF0053 | Trademarks and trade names-administrative cancellation. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0054 | Electricity production facilities on municipal property. | Corporations | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/14/2025 |
SF0055 | Third party filers. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SF0056 | Providing false information to registered agents. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0057 | 911 service reporting. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0058 | Elimination of sales tax on firearms. | Olsen | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SF0059 | Registered agents-release of records. | Corporations | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0060 | Sales tax distribution rates. | French | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SF0061 | Pollution control property tax exemption-applicability. | Case | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/21/2025 |
SF0062 | Restrooms in publicly funded schools-2. | Laursen, D | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0063 | State lands-fencing 2. | Crago | H Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
SF0064 | Wyoming Opposes Mandatory Electronic ID Devices-Livestock. | Steinmetz | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0065 | Data privacy-government entities. | BlockChain/Technology | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/30/2025 |
SF0066 | Digital ledger filing system development. | BlockChain/Technology | S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals | 01/14/2025 |
SF0067 | Long-term homeowner tax exemption-revisions. | Revenue | S COW:Failed 13-15-1-0-2 | 01/28/2025 |
SF0068 | Government owned lands. | Revenue | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0069 | Homeowner property tax exemption. | Revenue | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0070 | Investment modernization-state nonpermanent funds. | Cap Fin & Inv | H Received for Introduction | 01/23/2025 |
SF0071 | Ignition interlock restricted license-aggravated homicide. | Brennan | H Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
SF0072 | Summer vacation preservation act. | Brennan | H Received for Introduction | 01/22/2025 |
SF0073 | Charter school funding-amendments. | Brennan | H Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
SF0074 | Immunity for drug overdose reporting. | Labor | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SF0075 | Coroner investigations-disposition of decedent's property. | Case | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0076 | Protecting critical infrastructure from foreign adversaries. | Appropriations | S Placed on General File | 01/17/2025 |
SF0077 | Compelled speech is not free speech. | Hutchings | S Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
SF0078 | Distribution of unsolicited absentee ballot request forms. | Hutchings | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0079 | District courts-change of venue. | Crago | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0080 | Abandonment of water rights-limitations. | Water | H Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
SF0081 | Tax exemption-property owned by the state. | Agriculture | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
SF0082 | Omnibus water bill-planning. | Water | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0083 | Large energy project funding-legislative approval. | Steinmetz | S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals | 01/22/2025 |
SF0084 | Country of origin label-USA beef. | Steinmetz | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0085 | Constitutional enforcement of localities. | Ide | S Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
SF0086 | Alternative teaching certificate. | Laursen, D | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0087 | Prescriptive easement for electricity delivery. | Cooper | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/17/2025 |
SF0088 | 2025 large project funding. | Nat Res Fund | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0089 | Certificate of need repeal-2. | Crum | S10 - Labor:Do Pass Failed 2-3-0-0-0 | 01/22/2025 |
SF0090 | Youth organizations in schools. | Crum | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
SF0091 | Petroglyph, pictograph and historic inscription protection. | Tribal Relations | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0092 | Make carbon dioxide great again-no net zero. | Steinmetz | S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals | 01/24/2025 |
SF0093 | Tribal trust land sales and use tax exemption. | Tribal Relations | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/14/2025 |
SF0094 | Wind River Reservation remote sales and use tax. | Tribal Relations | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/14/2025 |
SF0095 | Special purpose depository institution-amendments. | Rothfuss | H Received for Introduction | 01/27/2025 |
SF0096 | Wyoming Gold Act. | Ide | H Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
SF0097 | Trust code revisions. | Case | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0098 | School board trustees-party affiliation. | Olsen | S Placed on General File | 01/22/2025 |
SF0099 | Game and fish property tax exemption. | Travel | H Received for Introduction | 01/24/2025 |
SF0100 | Child witnesses-courtroom procedures. | Schuler | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/22/2025 |
SF0101 | Post-conviction DNA testing-procedure amendments. | Landen | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0102 | Surviving parents of gold star veterans-exemptions. | Landen | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SF0103 | Terminating and defunding diversity, equity and inclusion. | Steinmetz | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0104 | Probate code revisions. | Crago | S Placed on General File | 01/23/2025 |
SF0105 | An Act to Preserve State Territorial Sovereignty. | Ide | S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture | 01/29/2025 |
SF0106 | Motor vehicle dealer and manufacturer warranty rates. | Barlow | H Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
SF0107 | Freedom to work and build business. | Nethercott | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0108 | Recreation safety-agritourism. | Barlow | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0109 | Open enrollment within Wyoming school districts. | Brennan | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0110 | Inclusion of crossing guards for governmental claims act. | Brennan | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0111 | Net metering revisions. | Case | S Placed on General File | 01/27/2025 |
SF0112 | Anesthesiologist assistants licensing. | Schuler | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0113 | Braider opportunity act. | Hutchings | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0114 | Missing persons-reporting requirement. | Landen | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0115 | Judicial review of agency actions-limitations. | Nethercott | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0116 | Anti-money laundering. | Nethercott | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0117 | Shared parenting. | Pearson | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/22/2025 |
SF0118 | Landowner hunting tags-amendments. | Pearson | :Refer to S05 - Agriculture | 01/23/2025 |
SF0119 | Expedited professional licensure for military members. | Boner | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0120 | Wyoming PRIME act. | Salazar | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0121 | Rodeo license plate. | Boner | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0122 | Voyeurism-sex offender registration amendment. | Cooper | H Received for Introduction | 01/30/2025 |
SF0123 | School finance-competitive grants for crossing guards. | Brennan | :Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations | 01/31/2025 |
SF0124 | Illegal immigration-identify, report, detain and deport. | Steinmetz | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/21/2025 |
SF0125 | Defining health care and protecting the people's welfare. | Steinmetz | S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor | 01/21/2025 |
SF0126 | Establishment of a K-8 public lab school. | Rothfuss | S Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
SF0127 | Administrative rules-legislative review and objection. | Boner | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0128 | Repeal of sales tax on electricity. | McKeown | S Placed on General File | 01/24/2025 |
SF0129 | Hospital employees-drug and alcohol testing. | Laursen, D | S10 - Labor:Do Pass Failed 1-3-1-0-0 | 01/24/2025 |
SF0130 | Emergency assistance immunity-mental health services. | Rothfuss | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0131 | Charter school leasing. | Driskill | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0132 | Protecting critical infrastructure and systems from drones. | Jones | S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel | 01/23/2025 |
SF0133 | Protection of parental rights-amendments. | Brennan | S Placed on General File | 01/28/2025 |
SF0134 | Industrial siting-wildlife mitigation. | Hicks | S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals | 01/22/2025 |
SF0135 | Defense of state banking-1. | Rothfuss | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0136 | Homeowner tax exemption. | Dockstader | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/23/2025 |
SF0137 | School finance-cash reserves. | Dockstader | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0138 | Energy impact on Wyoming economy-study. | Dockstader | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0139 | Trapping requirements-licenses, seasons and setbacks. | Dockstader | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0140 | Trapping education requirements. | Dockstader | S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel | 01/23/2025 |
SF0141 | USMC CPL Seth Rasmuson Memorial Highway. | Crago | :Rerefer to S02 - Appropriations | 01/30/2025 |
SF0142 | Veterans' home of Wyoming capital construction. | Crago | S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0143 | Public monies-deposits in credit unions. | Nethercott | S Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
SF0144 | Wyoming-Ireland Trade Commission. | Driskill | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0145 | Local governments-investments in equities. | Nethercott | S Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
SF0146 | Consumer Rental Purchase Agreement Act-amendments. | Boner | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0147 | Service dogs-training and crimes. | Hutchings | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SF0148 | Fire suppression and restoration funding. | Crago | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0149 | Wildlife conservation license plates-amendments. | Pappas | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0150 | For-profit trade schools-property tax exemption. | McKeown | S Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
SF0151 | Monthly ad valorem tax distribution-amendments. | Jones | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0152 | Wildfire management-task force and state forester. | Barlow | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SF0153 | Residential real property-taxable value. | Barlow | S Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
SF0154 | Industrial, wind and solar projects-hearing deadline. | Boner | S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals | 01/28/2025 |
SF0155 | International physician licensing. | Driskill | S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor | 01/28/2025 |
SF0156 | Expenditure of state funds on K-12 public schools. | Driskill | S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education | 01/28/2025 |
SF0157 | Department of family services-confidentiality amendments-2. | Olsen | :Refer to S01 - Judiciary | 01/29/2025 |
SF0158 | Virtual credit cards and network leasing-dental services. | Jones | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0159 | Dental insurance. | Jones | S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor | 01/27/2025 |
SF0160 | Treatment courts-amendments-2. | Olsen | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/29/2025 |
SF0161 | Residential property-acquisition value. | McKeown | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/24/2025 |
SF0162 | Education-block grant model amendments. | Scott | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0163 | Partial tobacco products tax repeal. | Pappas | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/27/2025 |
SF0164 | Pari-mutual rodeo definitions. | Driskill | S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel | 01/29/2025 |
SF0165 | Cancellation of registration notice-amendments. | Pearson | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0166 | Political party formation-amendments. | Pearson | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0167 | Board of chiropractic examiners-criminal history records. | Dockstader | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0168 | Budget reserve account-repeal. | Hicks | H Received for Introduction | 01/31/2025 |
SF0169 | Strategic investments and projects account-repeal. | Hicks | S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0170 | Grizzly bear management prohibition. | Hicks | S Introduced and Referred to S06 - Travel | 01/29/2025 |
SF0171 | City and Town Regulatory Reduction. | Nethercott | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0172 | Physical therapy licensure compact. | Boner | S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor | 01/29/2025 |
SF0173 | Educational bankruptcy act. | Scott | S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education | 01/28/2025 |
SF0174 | Constitutional apportionment-2. | Driskill | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0175 | Unemployment insurance coverage-period and reporting. | Kolb | S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor | 01/28/2025 |
SF0176 | Unemployment compensation-employer contributions. | Kolb | S Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor | 01/28/2025 |
SF0177 | Primary residence property tax fund. | Smith, D | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/29/2025 |
SF0178 | Fixing reading failure. | Scott | S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education | 01/28/2025 |
SF0179 | Sage grouse compensatory mitigation-amendments. | Barlow | S Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals | 01/29/2025 |
SF0180 | Supplemental budgets-limitations. | Smith, D | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/29/2025 |
SF0181 | Eminent domain-energy collection systems-2. | Crago | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0182 | Property tax valuation-fair market value. | Dockstader | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/28/2025 |
SF0183 | Moratorium-solar and wind projects. | Hicks | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0184 | Prohibition on electronic voting equipment-2. | Smith, D | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0185 | Governmental property-taxation and sale. | Case | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0186 | Advanced nuclear reactor manufacturers-fuel storage. | Cooper | S Placed on General File | 01/31/2025 |
SF0187 | Public employee retirement plan-contributions. | Hicks | :Refer to S02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0188 | Teacher tenure. | Hicks | S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education | 01/29/2025 |
SF0189 | Uniform commercial code-investment securities amendments. | Biteman | S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0190 | Election transparency. | Biteman | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0191 | State funds-proxy voting and pecuniary investments. | Biteman | S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0192 | High Plains Research Station and Arboretum-historic site-2. | Pappas | S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture | 01/29/2025 |
SF0193 | Electric utility service agreements-large loads. | Case | S Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations | 01/29/2025 |
SF0194 | E-cigarette and vapor material manufacturer licenses. | Crum | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/29/2025 |
SF0195 | Small business emergency bridge loan program. | Biteman | S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture | 01/29/2025 |
SF0196 | Second Amendment Protection Act amendments. | Salazar | S Introduced and Referred to S05 - Agriculture | 01/29/2025 |
SF0197 | Wyoming generational investment account-2. | Driskill | S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
SJ0001 | Convention of states. | Barlow | H Received for Introduction | 01/28/2025 |
SJ0002 | Resolution demanding equal footing. | Ide | S Placed on General File | 01/30/2025 |
SJ0003 | Commemorating Nellie Tayloe Ross. | Nethercott | H Received for Introduction | 01/29/2025 |
SJ0004 | Resolution on commercial base load power generation. | Pearson | S Placed on General File | 01/29/2025 |
SJ0005 | Congressional term limits. | Laursen, D | S01 - Judiciary:Do Pass Failed 2-3-0-0-0 | 01/28/2025 |
SJ0006 | School capital construction-constitutional amendment. | Scott | S Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education | 01/23/2025 |
SJ0007 | NCSL 50th Anniversary. | Pappas | S 2nd Reading:Passed | 01/31/2025 |
SJ0008 | Political expenditures. | Cooper | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/29/2025 |
SJ0009 | Individual right to privacy-constitutional amendment. | Rothfuss | S Introduced and Referred to S01 - Judiciary | 01/29/2025 |
SJ0010 | Legislative and executive authority-taxation and spending. | Laursen, D | S Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue | 01/29/2025 |
SJ0011 | Supporting anti-ESG litigation. | Biteman | S Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations | 01/29/2025 |
A few comments.
This bill shows just how wacky things have become. A proposal that the state look at issuing its won gold or silver coinage, which is clearly unconstitutional.
Wyoming Gold Act.
Sponsored by: Senator(s) Ide, French, Laursen, D, Salazar, Smith, D and Steinmetz and Representative(s) Allemand, Heiner, Lien, Locke and Smith, S
AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Legal Tender Act; requiring the state treasurer to hold and invest specie and specie legal tender; authorizing the state treasurer to hire consultants; requiring a study and report; and providing for effective dates.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
Section 1. W.S. 9‑4‑1306 is created to read:
9‑4‑1306. State treasurer duties; consultants; rulemaking authority.
(a) The state treasurer shall implement this article by:
(i) Holding not less than ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00) in specie and specie legal tender in the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund for the purpose of diversifying the state's investment portfolio, preserving capital and insuring against inflation, debt defaults and other risks;
(ii) If market conditions warrant, investing in precious metal leases or bonds payable in precious metals.
(b) The state treasurer may contract for services with established precious metals firms and other industry experts to assist with the duties of the treasurer under this section. The state treasurer shall require financial disclosures along with any other requirements specified by the state treasurer before engaging in any contract under this subsection.
Section 2.
(a) The state treasurer shall conduct a study that reviews methods for the state to begin accepting gold and silver as a payment medium.
(b) The state treasurer shall submit the results of the study required under subsection (a) of this section and any recommendations for legislation resulting from the study to the joint revenue interim committee and the select committee on capital financing and investments not later than October 1, 2025.
Section 3.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.
(b) Section 1 of this act is effective January 1, 2026.
And the constitutional convention resolution advanced.
It seemingly doesn't occur to people that by the time a constitutional convention might occur, we will likely be over the horror of the Trump Interregnum and the parties that at that point will want to really amend the Constitution will be those who at that point said "I told you so". The nearly sure results would be the elimination of the 2nd Amendment and a massive reduction in executive power.
2025 | State of Wyoming | 25LSO-0234 |
Convention of states.
Sponsored by: Senator(s) Barlow, Biteman, Brennan, Driskill, Kolb, Laursen, D, Olsen and Salazar and Representative(s) Brady, Clouston, Filer, Harshman, Singh, Webb and Williams
A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to call a convention for proposing amendments to the United States Constitution as specified.
WHEREAS, the framers of the Constitution of the United States empowered state legislatures to be guardians of liberty against future abuses of power by the federal government; and
WHEREAS, the federal government has created a crushing national debt through improper and imprudent spending; and
WHEREAS, the federal government has invaded the legitimate roles of the states through the manipulative process of federal mandates, many of which are unfunded mandates; and
WHEREAS, the federal government has ceased to operate under a proper interpretation of the Constitution of the United States; and
WHEREAS, it is the solemn duty of the states to protect the liberty of the people, particularly for future generations, by proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States through a convention of the states under Article V of the United States Constitution for the purpose of restraining these and related abuses of power.
Section 1. That the Legislature of the State of Wyoming hereby applies to Congress, under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States, for the calling of a convention of the several states limited to proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and limit the terms of office for federal officials and members of Congress.
Section 2.
(a) That the Legislature of the State of Wyoming adopts the application made under Section 1 of this joint resolution expressly subject to the following reservations, understandings and declarations:
(i) An application to the Congress of the United States to call a convention of the several states pursuant to Article V of the United States Constitution for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution confers no power to Congress other than the power to call the convention. The power of Congress to exercise this ministerial duty consists solely of the authority to name a reasonable time and place for the initial meeting of a convention;
(ii) Congress shall call an amendment convention of the states only upon the receipt of applications for an amendment convention for the substantially same purpose as this application from two-thirds (2/3) of the legislatures of the several states;
(iii) Congress does not have the power or authority to determine any rules for the governing of an amendment convention of the several states called pursuant to Article V of the United States Constitution. Congress does not have the power to set the number of delegates to be sent by any state to a convention nor does it have the power to name delegates to a convention. The power to name delegates remains exclusively within the authority of the legislatures of the several states;
(iv) By definition, a convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution means that states shall vote on the basis of one (1) state, one (1) vote;
(v) A convention of the several states to propose amendments to the Constitution convened pursuant to this application shall be limited to consideration of the topics specified in this joint resolution and no other. This application is made with the express understanding that an amendment that in any way seeks to amend, modify or repeal any provision of the Bill of Rights shall not be authorized for consideration in any manner;
(vi) Pursuant to Article V of the United States Constitution, Congress may determine whether proposed amendments shall be ratified by the legislatures of the several states or by special state ratification conventions. The Legislature of the State of Wyoming recommends that Congress select ratification by the legislatures of the several states; and
(vii) The Legislature of the State of Wyoming may provide further instructions to its delegates and may recall its delegates at any time for a breach of a duty or a violation of the instructions provided to the delegates.
Section 3. That this application constitutes a continuing application in accordance with Article V of the Constitution of the United States until the legislatures of at least two‑thirds (2/3) of the several states have made applications on the same subject.
Section 4. That the Secretary of State of Wyoming transmit copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, to the Wyoming Congressional Delegation and to the presiding officers of each of the legislative houses in the several states, requesting their cooperation.
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