Saturday, August 3, 2024

But isn't that socialism?

Socialism is when the government does stuff. And it's more socialism the more stuff it does. And if it does a real lot of stuff, it's communism.

 Richard D. Wolff

Let me know that this isn't a shot at Congressman Hageman.

This is, rather, an observation.

Dave Simpson: Harriet Delivered When No One Else Could (Or Cared)

It's interesting how the far right opposes the government doing stuff, except when it benefits them personally.

No place exhibits this more than Wyoming.  We're really fine with the government paying for stuff we used.  Highways?  The Feds should fund them, doggone it. Why?  Well, because they ought to.

The above is a road story.  The author notes that he could not get to this spot in his car.

Couldn't get there in a car?  

Well, that's probably because if you were from Wyoming, which the author isn't, you'd know that you need to go there in a truck.

Getting the road smoothed out on the government dime is a bit Socialist. . . and very soft and East Coasty.

But then we all like the government to spend if it benefits us, don't we?

Massive state funded shooter's complex anyone?

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