Monday, August 19, 2024

Wednesday, August 19, 1874. Taking back.

 August 19, 1874

EXECUTIVE MANSION, August 19, 1874.

It is hereby ordered that all that tract of country, in Montana Territory, set apart by Executive order, dated July 5, 1873, and not embraced within the tract set apart by act of Congress, approved April 15, 1874, for the use and occupation of the Gros Ventre, Piegan, Blood, Blackfeet, River Crow, and other Indians, comprised within the following boundaries, viz: Commencing at a point on the south bank of the Missouri River, opposite the mouth of the Marias River; thence along the main channel of the Marias River to Birch Creek; thence up the main channel of Birch Creek to its source; thence west to the summit of the main chain of the Rocky Mountains; thence along said summit in a southerly direction to a point opposite the source of the Medicine or Sun River; thence easterly to said source, and down the south bank of said Medicine or Sun River to the south bank of the Missouri River; thence down the south bank of the Missouri River to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby, restored to the public domain.


Hmm. . . .  

Last edition:

Sunday, August 9, 1874. Camp Scene Near Blue River, Colorado. William Henry Jackson.

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