Sunday, August 25, 2024

Tuesday, August 25, 1874. The Coushatta Massacre.

The terroristic White League attacked and killed African American farmer Thomas Floyd in the first of a series of attacks on Republican Party members and freedmen in Louisiana.  Ultimately several deaths occured, but nobody was brought to trial in spite of the arrest of 25 people.

The attacks were part of an overall effort to drive Republicans out of the state.

While it would anger some people for it to be noted, the Republican Party at the time was the liberal party in favor of expansive democracy, whereas the Democratic Party was the opposite.  Just as Louisiana's Democrats of the time regarded the Republicans as unspeakable enemies, the opposite is true today.  Likewise, as the Democratic Party was the party of the white South in 1874, the Republican Party is the same now. 

Last edition:

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