Monday, August 12, 2024

A note about the Russian Army

Armchair strategist like to point out that 1) one the Russian Army is fighting on its own soil its as tough as nails, and 2) Ukraine can't possibly occupy enough real estate in Russia to defeat Russia.

What people miss is that the Russian Army can collapse.

It did in World War One.

To add to that, of the 12,000,000 men the Russians mobilized in the Great War, 2,500,000 were captured or went missing.

In World War Two it did not collapse, but often missed is that hit had an enormous desertion problem, even after the Red Army was clearly headed towards victory.  5,700,000 Red Army troops went into German captivity, with only a fraction coming back out, but entire groups of Soviet citizens worked for the Germans, some out of necessity, and some out of local conviction.

During the Russo Japanese War, about 75,000 Russian soldiers were captured.

I note this as the missed element of the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk Oblast is that the Russians start surrendering in droves, or the Russian Army simply evaporates.  If that were to occur, while its a longshot, this incursion could actually turn the tide of the war.

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