Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Monday, January 10, 1944. The Verona Executions.

WACs march down the gangplank of transport at a North African port. Army trucks wait to take them to a nearby transit camp. 10 January, 1944.

The Verona Trial ended with the conviction of all six present defendants, with five sentenced to death.  Tullio Cianetti was spared that penalty, and instead received a 30-year sentence, after writing a letter of apology to Mussolini.

Following the war, he went into exile in Portuguese Mozambique.  He died in Mozambique, which became independent in 1975, in 1976.

The Red Army took Lyudvipol which had been within pre-war Poland.

The British took Maungdaw in Burma.

1944  A United States Army Air Force plane crashed near Cheyenne, killing the pilot. Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

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