Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Witnessing a decline in mental status. Donald Trump on the campaign trail.

These aren't gaffs: 

Lex Anteinternet: The 2024 Election, Part XII. The March To Moscow:   January 20, 2024 

Donald Trump pretty clearly confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi in a New Hampshire campaign rally, claiming that Haley was in charge of all the "troops", meaning that she could have called on National Guardsmen to protect the capitol.

Haley wasn't in office at the time.

Haley in turn called on his mental fitness.

More people should be. Trump doesn't act like somebody who okay mentally.  He's old, and in the footage of the rally, he does not look well.

January 21, 2024

Trump, on the same day he confused Haley for Pelosi, made reference to having run against President Obama, which he never did.

These are major mental lapses, and now they're coming in quick succession.

The Obama one, we'd note, has occured before.  Trump has, openly, mentioned having run against Barack Obama.  His first race was against Hillary Clinton, which is the only reason that he was elected, and with a minority of the vote.

Trump lies constantly, but these aren't lies. This is misfiring in his brain, and it's happening frequently.  And these aren't the only instances.

Republican voters who are going for Trump, the nearly 50% of the GOP that isn't really traditionally Republican but something else, are going to simply turn a blind eye towards this.  Democrats won't, but that doesn't really matter, except perhaps to the extent they emphasize it, which they in fact should.

Right now, assuming that Trump doesn't experience a complete mental collapse before November, which I'd give a 40% chance, and assuming that Trump's health holds out until November, which I'd give a 40% chance, he's going to be elected the next President because of the Democrats wholly inept performance in this election, including their absolute refusal to address many of  the legitimate concerns that they've allowed to fester into right wing conspiracies, such as 1) how many immigrants can we really take in; 2) why does everyone have to have a "good job" in a cubicle, 3) why are we ignoring real biology and pretending it's a lifestyle choice.  The election at this point is basically over.

That would in turn mean we're about to elect a man into office who is clearly sliding into dementia.  Republicans in his inner circle better figure out right now how far they'll let him lose his mind before they declare him unfit for office.

And we better hope his VP choice is made to be somebody rational and not a syncophant.

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