Sunday, January 14, 2024

Blog Mirror: January 14, 1954: Joe DiMaggio Marries Marilyn Monroe

An interesting and sympathetic, while honest, treatment of a story we first looked at here in the context of her marriage during the Second World War.

January 14, 1954: Joe DiMaggio Marries Marilyn Monroe

DiMaggio, who we would have to assume had a thing for blond starlets, as this notes, would cap his marital attempts at two.  Monroe attempted three times.  So did Dorothy Arnold, who we would have to characterize as a minor actress.  She died in 1970, leaving behind her third spouse.

Arnold and DiMaggio's union resulted in the only child either of them had, the troubled Joseph Paul DiMaggio III.  He lived a troubled life, there being a lesson in here, but interestingly remained close to Monroe after his father and the actress divorced. He was one of the last people she called.  He died at age 57.

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