Saturday, July 8, 2023

Magic Weapons

The United States has decided to send cluster munitions to Ukraine.

As we sent MLRS's multiple rock launchers already, I'm surprised that we hadn't also already sent these as well.  Basically, what they are, is that rather than pack a warhead or projectile with explosives (for those that are packed with something that will explode), the warhead or projectile is packed with submunitions.  I.e., bomblets. The ones we're going to send, however, are apparently in the 155 artilerly projectile form.

M77 Cluster Munitions

They are a devastating weapon to ground personnel, but they're hardly new.  The fact that they haven't been supplied already is almost inexcusable, as they're no more novel than artillery projectiles themselves, and they're not some sort of magic weapon.

They ought to supply them for the MLRS.

Which gets to the caption.

All sorts of people, but frankly people who are opposed to supporting Ukraine in the first place, are now verklempt over President Biden releasing this very routine conventional ordinance.  Oh my, they cry, now we'll go into World War Three.

That's just silly.

The Russians have to think we're complete saps in the first place for the list of things we wouldn't send.  And they have to be stunned that we haven't sent these already.  They've used them in the war in at least the missile delivery form.

Militaries, the famous phrase goes, are about killing people and breaking things. These are about killing people.   It's going to get a lot, lot harder for Russian troops on the ground to survive in a combat environment.  In order to survive the war, they should get out of Ukraine, which is the goal.

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