Monday, July 10, 2023

Oh good! A new court panic.

Having failed to rule in favor of the goofball independent state legislature theory, or take away the rights of Native Americans in regard to the Indian Child Welfare Act, and the public basically agreeing with the end of racial bias in college admission, you might wonder what terrible angst inducing, "it ain't going to happen" thing left wing court watchers can now wring their hands over.

Well, have no fear!

SCOTUS just took up a case that could preemptively ban a wealth tax. The lawsuit appears to have been filed with the explicit purpose of outlawing a wealth tax before Dems can enact one. They're trying to torpedo one of our only remaining tools to combat raging inequality.

The Court isn't going to "preemptively ban a wealth tax".

It's crap like this that makes the left look just as goofball as the far right.

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