Friday, July 21, 2023

Saturday, July 21, 1923. Villa's body was being viewed, Maughan was waiting for directions, Harding wasn't going to call Congress into Session, ERA text changed.


I'm certain that the cover of The Saturday Evening Post would be condemned in many quarters today, even if you still see things like this.

Of course, this scene has been taken over by everyone, male and female, checking their cell phones.

The Country Gentleman simply featured a fine bovine.

The Saturday Casper paper noted the important events of the day.

Villa's body was being viewed, Maughan was waiting for directions, Harding wasn't going to call Congress into Session, and there was discussion of adjusting reparations.

The National Women's Party was meeting in Seneca Falls, New York

The NWP had proposed an Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1921. At this convention, it changed the text of the draft to more closely match the text that was ultimately submitted to Congress and the States.

The first regular radio broadcast in the Netherlands commenced.

The KKK paraded in Topeka in defiance of an order issued by the Attorney General of Kansas, but which the Mayor of Kansas stated he would not enforce.

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