Saturday, June 3, 2023

Thursday, June 3, 1943. Zoot Suit Riots, Comité Français de Libération Nationale, Pocket Protectors,

This is the 80th anniversary of the start of the Los Angeles' Zoot Suit Riots. They'd continue through the 8th.

With tensions dating back for months, the event saw an outbreak of white servicemen attack Hispanic Angelinos wearing Zoot Suits, in part for revenge over an incident that had occurred several days prior, but largely due to racist animosity.

The initial confrontation on June 3 was between a party of sailors and Zoot Suiters, which isn't surprising given the injury of  a sailor several days prior.  As the attacks grew the servicemen were supported by the press and the Los Angeles city council announced efforts to curb the manufacture of clothing in excess of wartime regulations, thought to be part of the problem as it was part of the excuse.  By the 8th, the attacks had spread from Hispanic districts to African American ones, where Zoot Suits were also popular.

Arrested Angelinos.

On the 8th, the Department of the Navy declared Los Angeles off limits and confined servicemen to their barracks.

The Battle of West Hubei, which had gone on for about a month, ended in a  Chinese tactical victory, although Chinese losses exceeded Japanese ones, and there is some evidence that the Japanese used the battle as a battlefield training exercise.

The French Committee of National Liberation,  Comité Français de Libération Nationale, was formed with those senior officers of the former Vichy command in North Africa and the Free French who had been technically in rebellion against Vichy, in Algiers.  It had a committee leadership at this point, although by November DeGaulle would be the leader.

The pocket protector was patented on this day.

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