Sunday, June 25, 2023

At war with nature.

It'll be no secret to anyone who reads this blog that I sort of have a love/hate relationship with the writings of Robert Reich.  He provides some brilliant economic insights, a lot of which should lead him to being a flaming Distributist, from which he always pulls away in the end, but his political analysis is so slavishly left wing its often worthless.  He's often no more thinking in these categories than radial MAGA Republicans are.  Indeed, his analysis often falls off the logic train, rolls over, crashes and burns, with no survivors whatsoever.

Occasionally this has some value in seeing how those who are also slavishly left wing think, however.  This provides an example:

It's no secret why so many right-wing politicians are going after trans people. Anything that challenges the “traditional” heroic male roles of protector, provider, and controller of the family is considered a threat to the social order. It's dangerous — and cruel.

This is pure left wing bullshit.

The American left pulled way out in front of this issue, just as it successfully did on abortion in the 1970s.  Hardly noticed by anyone is that the US is way to the left of the Europeans, who are pulling back on this.  Mutilation, and that's exactly what it is, of children is being retracted rapidly in Europe, just while some on the left here are closing it as the hill to die on.

Anyhow, it can be debated to what extent those on the right are "going after trans people".  "Trans people" (even Reich apparently can't figure out what to call them), or rather their most radical advocates, sort of went after 1) nature and 2) society at large, following Obergefell.  The propaganda at the time of Obergefell is that it wasn't going to lead to anything more radical than homosexuals quietly marrying while nobody noticed, and nobody was going to be forced to acknowledge homosexuality if they didn't wish to, to shoving that down everyone's metaphorical throat to be followed by demands that absolutely everything previously regarded as sexually perverse be acknowledged as A-OK, save for pedophilic behavior. . . and we're getting around that that pretty rapidly.

Lots of people openly question, and many more very quietly question, to what extent some of the things, or maybe all of the things, in the LGBTQ+ arena are mental illnesses.  Oddly, in an era when its no longer shameful to have a mental illness, there's a gigantic reluctance to admit that at least some of this behavior is due to mental illness.  Like every other mental illness, the question then becomes to what extent is it harmful to 1) the person, and 2) society at large.  Some of it is probably harmful in the first category without the second, but "trans" conduct appears to be harmful, to at least some extent, in both.

It's the assault on nature that really upsets those on the right, quite a few in the middle, and some on the left.  "Trans" isn't supported by science, and is an affront to it. In order to support it you need to assault science itself.

But if you read the comments, that's exactly what many on the left are doing and wish to do.  They're hugely uncomfortable with being members of our species and don't like it, so they want a new, heavily feminized, largely neutered, one.

There's been a lot of strange things going on in this arena in general.  It's been noted, in terms of science, that males are experiencing an overall decline in the hormones that make them such. This may explain things in part.  But beyond that, we're messing with nature in a major way here and ought to stop.

But that wouldn't help built a brave new world in which we all live in our own realities and are all our own demigods.  A condition that used to be known as. . . insanity.

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