Monday, June 19, 2023

Tuesday, June 19, 1923. the Little Old Log Cabin.


John Carson

"Fiddlin" John Carson recorded "The Little Old Log Cabin" in the Lane in what is now inaccurately regarded as the first "country" music recording.  The flipside was "The Old Hen Cackled and the Rooster's Going To Crow."

It was "country", but not in the country pop or modern C&W understanding, but rather in the "Hill Billy" music understanding of the word. That type of music, often highly evolved, is still within the "country" genre, but much, indeed most, of modern C&W music is as much related to pop music than anything else.

Carson would record off and on until 1935.  He died in 1949 at age 81, spending his final years as an elevator operator.

The US and the UK came to an agreement on the UK's war debt.

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