The Stg 44 is universally now regarded as the pioneering rifle that pushed the world into the assault rifle era. There were certainly hints that things were headed in that direction before, but the Stg 44 went there.
The U.S. really wouldn't until AR15s made their appearance in the early 60s, first in a limited fashion, and then as the M16. That fact may be partially explained by this wartime US examination of the Stg 44, concluding, "M'eh".
Machine Carbine PromotedM. P. 43 Is Now "Assault Rifle 44"To bolster troop and civilian morale, the German High Command is now widely advertising the general issue of an automatic small arm which Adolph Hitler has personally designated the "Assault Rifle 44" (Sturmgewehr 44). The much-touted "new" weapon is actually the familiar German machine carbine with a more chest-thumping title.
As reported in the February 1945 TACTICAL AND TECHNICAL TRENDS, recently manufactured
M. P. 43's previously had been re-designatedM. P. 44, although only slight changes had been made in order to accommodate the standard rifle grenade launcher.M. P. 43's of earlier manufacture incorporating the same changes were merely designatedM. P. 43/1. The completely new name of Sturmgewehr (assault rifle) may be intended to erase any recollection of the mediocre quality of the earlierM. P. 43's, at least so far as new troops and the public are concerned. In any event, the introduction of the title Sturmgewehr, together with the accompanying blast of propaganda concerning the weapon, is but another example of German efforts to exploit the propaganda value inherent in weapons with impressive-sounding titles, such as Panzer, Tiger, Panther, and Flak 88. Since the Sturmgewehr is more easily mass-produced than a rifle or machine gun because of its many stampings and low-power ammunition, and because a machine carbine is needed by desperately fighting German infantry in their efforts to stem the assault of American troops, it is natural that the Germans should make every effort to capitalize on its propaganda potentialities. By dubbing theM. P. 43 the Sturmgewehr, Hitler may also succeed in deceiving many Germans into thinking that this weapon is one of the many decisive "secret weapons" which they have been promised, and which they are told will bring final German victory.History of the Weapon
The true history of this weapon is that, as a result of their combat experiences earlier in the war, the Germans rather tardily decided that they needed a weapon representing a compromise between the submachine gun (or machine pistol) and the rifle. Their requirements called for a gun with the full automatic feature and retaining the handiness and lightweight ammunition of the submachine gun but having greater effective range and accuracy than is possible with a submachine gun firing pistol-type ammunition. It is now believed that the new weapon was developed from an earlier model known as the Maschinen Karabiner (M. Kb. 42) because the general design is similar and the type of ammunition fired is comparable.
Successive models of the Sturmgewehr 44. From top to bottom are shown the M. P. 43, the M. P. 43/1, and the M. P. 44. The present weapon incorporates a number of progressive changes made with the intention of giving the German infantry a suitable small arm for ranges beyond those of close-quarter fighting. First termed Maschinen Pistole
(M. P. 43), it was successively designatedM. P. 43/1, M. P. 44, and finally Sturmgewehr 44. Now one of the most common weapons issued to German troops, it is intended in a general way to serve the same purpose as the U.S. carbine, M1. As finally developed, the gun is a fully automatic, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed, shoulder weapon, firing from a closed bolt and a locked breech. A standard rifle grenade discharger can be fitted to the muzzle in front of the foresight.Limitations
In their attempts to produce a light, accurate weapon having considerable fire power by mass production methods, however, the Germans encountered difficulties which have seriously limited the effectiveness of the Sturmgewehr. Because it is largely constructed of cheap stampings, it dents easily and therefore is subject to jamming. Although provision is made for both full automatic and semiautomatic fire, the piece is incapable of sustained firing and official German directives have ordered troops to use it only as a semiautomatic weapon. In emergencies, however, soldiers are permitted full automatic fire in
two- to three-round bursts. The possibilities of cannibalization appear to have been overlooked and its general construction is such that it may have been intended to be an expendable weapon and to be thrown aside in combat if the individual finds himself unable to maintain it properly.The incorporation of the full automatic feature is responsible for a substantial portion of the weight of the weapon, which is 12 pounds with a full magazine. Since this feature is ineffectual for all practical purposes, the additional weight only serves to place the Sturmgewehr at a disadvantage in comparison to the U.S. carbine which is almost 50 percent lighter.
The receiver, frame, gas cylinder, jacket, and front sight hood are all made from steel stampings. Since all pins in the trigger mechanism are riveted in place, it cannot be disassembled; if repair is required, a whole new trigger assembly must be inserted. Only the gas pistol assembly, bolt, hammer, barrel, gas cylinder, nut on the front of the barrel, and the magazine are machined parts. The stock and band grip are constructed of cheap, roughly finished wood and, being fixed, make the piece unhandy compared to the submachine guns with their folding stocks.
The curved magazine, mounted below the receiver, carries 30 rounds of
7.92-mm necked-down ammunition. The rounds are manufactured with steel cases rather than brass; inside the case is a lead sleeve surrounding a steel core. With an indicated muzzle velocity of approximately 2,250 feet per second and a boat-tail bullet, accuracy of the Sturmgewehr is excellent for a weapon of its type. Its effective range is about 400 yards, although the Germans claim in their operating manual that the normal effective range is about 650 yards. The leaf sight is graduated up to 800 meters (872 yards).Operation
Operation of the piece is simple. A loaded magazine is placed into the receiver, the cocking handle drawn back fully, and then released. The weapon is then ready for firing. A safety lever on the left side of the trigger housing should be retained in the safe or up position when the weapon is not being fired. Since it is impossible to determine whether or not a round is in the chamber, the weapon should be considered loaded at all times. A change lever for switching from single shot to automatic fire is located above and to the rear of the safety lever, protruding slightly on either side of the housing. For single shots, the lever protrudes from the left side so that the letter "E" will be visible; for automatic fire, the lever protrudes from the right side so that the letter "D" will be visible.
The following steps are necessary for stripping and cleaning:
1. Press down retainer spring on butt locking pin and pull out pin; at the same time press the butt forward to counteract the force of the return spring.
2. Permit the return spring to extend and then remove the butt.
3. Lift out return spring from butt.
4. Swing grip and trigger group downward about its front retaining pin.
5. Draw cocking handle to the rear and remove pistol and breechblock.
6. Place a punch in a hole provided in the gas block screw, and unscrew gas block following a right-hand thread.
7. Insert a screwdriver under lip in rear of hand guard and remove.
The mechanism is now sufficiently exposed for inspection and cleaning. Further stripping is not possible since all pins and rivets have been preened in production assembly.
Field stripping of the Sturmgewehr, with nomenclature of its components. All things considered, the Sturmgewehr remains a bulky, unhandy weapon, comparatively heavy and without the balance and reliability of the U.S. M1 carbine. Its design appears to be dictated by production rather than by military considerations. Though far from a satisfactory weapon, it is apparent that Germany's unfavorable military situation makes necessary the mass production of this weapon, rather than of a machine carbine of a more satisfactory pattern.
Not as good as the M1 Carbine?
That was quite a conclusion.
If that seems to suggest a lack of admiration for the M1 Carbine, the most mass-produced US weapon of World War Two, well that's because it wasn't great.
Never intended to be a combat weapon, like the Stg44 was, the carbine was intended to be issued only to rear area troops who still might find themselves in need of a weapon, and whom the Army thought would be better off with a longarm rather than a handgun. As, in truth, nearly any soldier is better off with a longarm, rather than a handgun, their was something to their logic. And the carbine was cheap and easy to produce, easy to carry compared to the M1 Garand, and used fewer materials both for itself and its ammunition.
Not surprisingly, however, it spread into combat use, although not nearly to the extent commonly imagined. A dedicated variant with a folding stock was manufactured for paratrooper, who didn't like it and preferred the full size Garand. The Garand was the TOE issued weapon of all infantrymen, save for ones who were machine gun crewmen, and sidearms remained widely issued to NCOs and officers. Nonetheless, particularly in the Pacific, the carbine made inroads into frontline service.
The Stg44 was an excellent assault rifle, and it was the father of the genre. Various designers had been groping towards what it achieved from some time, with the brilliance of the design really being a new, intermediate cartridge. Prior attempts at something like the Stg44, vaguely, had either been hampered by using full sized rifle cartridges, which made for difficult to control recoil or heavy weight, or pistol cartridges, which always tended towards being submachine guns, although a very early Russian rifle using the the 6.5 Arisaka cartridge, the Fedorov Avtomat, was introduced in 1915 and holds the title of first assault rifle. Limited to 3,200, that weapon did have difficulties and was, perhaps, underappreciated.
Given that it used a unique cartridge, the 7.92 Kurz, and was made in limited, if somewhat large, numbers the Stg44 basically disappeared after World War Two, although some limited use continued on. The East German military made use of them and later supplied them to Syria, where they reappeared in the recent Syrian Civil War. The French used some in the Indochinese War, and so did the Vietminh, which would have acquired them from captured Soviet stocks. The French faced them again in the Algerian War, with those ones having been supplied to the FLN by Czechoslovakia. In design features and layout, the AK47 family of assault rifles and the Czech Vz 58 are direct descendants, although not mechanically. The German/Spanish G3 assault rifle heavily leaned on the Stg44 for influence, even though the G3 is a battle rifle and not an assault rifle.
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