Sunday, May 21, 2023

Monday, May 21, 1923. Delmonico's closed.

The original family owned Delmonico's restaurant closed.  The restaurant had been in business, in more than one location, since 1827 and had become one of the most famous restaurants in New York.  It was a favorite of Theodore Roosevelt.

It was not able to survive Prohibition.

Not surprisingly, the famous name had cache and there were subsequent operations that used it, having some connection with the original, but not owned by the original family.  There are plans to reopen a restaurant in the location late this year.

The restaurant is the claimed originator of a variety of famous dishes, the best known being the Delmonico's Steak.  Roosevelt favored the double lamb chops.

The  Labour and Socialist International, an organization of socialist and labor parties, was formed and became the largest organizational union of those entities.  It ceased to exist in April, 1940.

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