Wednesday, May 24, 2023

May 24, 1943. Dönitz recalls the U-boats

Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz recalled the German fleet of U-boats following the reduction by 1/3 of that force in May, 22 out of 60, due to Allied action.  All together, 41 German U-boats would be lost in May.

Germany had effectively lost the Battle of the Atlantic.  While the submarines would redeploy, they'd never again pose the threat they had up to May, 1943.  This also meant the effective victory for the Allies against the Germans in a second front, although the fighting would go on, with the first being in North Africa.

Sarah Sundin notes the event on her blog, also noting that rationing of cheese in the US expanded to include all but cream and cottage cheese.

Josef Mengele was posted to Auschwitz.

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