Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Lost in translation

It's interesting how things can basically get lost in translation.

And by that, I mean not so much language translation, but cultural translation.

I'm not going to get into the details, but in looking at a news story I noticed that the original headlines, based upon an event in a foreign land, read one way, but within a few hours, they read another way. And in that instance, they read in a manner familiar to an American audience. 

That took off on twitter and rapidly morphed, making the story worse.

So, I looked up the claimed criminal aspect of it.


The reason being is that where it occurred, it's simply not a crime.  Not at all.  That's interesting, as in the US it certainly would be, and we tend to assume it is everywhere in the world.  Not only is it not, but much of the Western world, it isn't.

That makes it a sort of scandal, but not a crime, as has been asserted. And that in and of itself is interesting.

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