Monday, July 11, 2022

The big takeaway from 2022's Supreme Court decisions.

It sure isn't that they're forcing a conservative agenda on the nation.

Or even that they are conservative.

The big takeaway from this year's Supreme Court sessions overall, and largely missed by the press, is that this S.Ct is shoving things back to the state and national legislatures with the instructions of "do your jobs".

These decisions really aren't "conservative" in the political sense.  If they were, the Supreme Court would have found that there was an existential right to life that precluded abortion, rather than just saying "hey, we read this thing and abortion isn't mentioned in it, nor is privacy".

That's the other thing the press misses. The liberal justices are just that, using the court to archive liberal goals. The "conservative" ones are just saying "youse bums go do your jobs".

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