Sunday, July 24, 2022

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist XXXVII. The Hating the Government Edition

Wyoming takes in more money from the Federal government than it contributes to it.

The Federal Government pays for runways, highways, all sorts of projects and innumerable things people use every day.

I note this as in this election season, it seems there are those who are campaigning on their absolute hatred of the Federal Government.

Most interesting in this context are the candidates who have worked for the Federal Government, in the form of long military careers, who are now campaigning on how messed up it is and how they will fix it.

If they hated the Federal Government so much, or knew it was messed up, why did they serve in the military until they could draw a pension?

Campaigning on a reduced Federal Government is fine. . . if you are honest about it.  I see some candidates who are campaigning on "taking" the public domain from the Federal Government, but I don't see any who are campaigning on taking over the highway funding system.

Hmmmm. . . . 

Nor do I see any who wish to take over the Bureau of Reclamation.

On the Bureau of Reclamation, a television advertisement is pointing out that Harriet Hageman, who is campaigning on "fighting" the Federal Government in her legal career, represented an interest which, it claims, sent Wyoming water to Colorado.  I don't know the details, but that does point out the danger of using your legal career to claim you are a crusader of some point.

Some candidates seem to nearly claim they detest all government.  Chances are, however, that everyone relies on something from the government, and nobody really wants anarchy, which is no government.

Indeed, it's almost as if people don't like the government to the extent that it tells they what to do, or seems to keep them from doing something, or that it impacts them financially.  To the extent it benefits them. . . they're fine with it.  A campaign proposition of a government of people just like me, by the people just like me, for me personally, as it were.

Last prior edition:

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist XXXVI. The Lying edition

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